Indy Autonomous Challenge
The IAC organizes fully autonomous race car competitions among university teams from around the world and works to further automated vehicle technology. The IAC is aiming to establish a hub for performance automation in Indiana by harnessing the power of competition to attract the best and the brightest minds from around the globe.
Complimentary Software
MathWorks provides complimentary software and self-paced online training for this competition. If your team is participating in this competition and needs software, or access to online training fill out the software request form.
Request softwareMATLAB and Simulink
Racing Lounge
Discover basics of MATLAB and Simulink and in-depth information on automotive development in this continuously evolving video series.
Competition Resources
Learning Path
Video Tutorials for Your Team
Interactive Online Tutorials
Learn by doing! Our two-hour online courses provide a hands-on learning environment where you will interact with a web-based version of MATLAB and receive instant and contextual feedback.
View all tutorialsPhysical Modeling Video Tutorials
Get started modeling, simulating, and analyzing automotive systems with these free training materials.
Mobile Robotics Training Videos
Learn to design and test autonomous robot algorithms using MATLAB and Simulink with these free training materials.
Computer Vision Video Tutorials
Learn to design and deploy computer vision algorithms using MATLAB and Simulink with these free training materials.
Code Generation Video Tutorials
Learn how to convert MATLAB functions and Simulink models to C/C++ code.