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Simulink에서의 고정소수점 행렬 연산

효율적인 HDL 코드를 위한 최적화된 고정소수점 수학 연산 블록 및 행렬 연산 블록

Fixed-Point Designer™ 블록 라이브러리를 사용하여 고정소수점 수학 연산을 수행할 수 있습니다.

HDL에 최적화된 Fixed-Point Designer 블록 라이브러리를 사용하여, 고정소수점 수학 연산과 행렬 연산을 수행하고 효율적인 HDL 코드를 생성할 수 있습니다. 이러한 블록은 FPGA에서의 하드웨어 효율적인 구현을 위해 선형 연립방정식과 핵심 행렬 연산(예: QR 분해)의 설계 패턴을 모델링합니다. 이러한 블록을 통합하는 설계를 위한 HDL 코드를 HDL Coder™를 사용하여 생성할 수 있습니다.


모두 확장

Euler to NED Transformation HDL OptimizedComputes Euler to North-East-Down transformation using pipelined or burst architecture and generates optimized HDL code (R2022b 이후)


Real Divide HDL OptimizedDivide one real input by another and generate optimized HDL code (R2021a 이후)
Complex Divide HDL OptimizedDivide one input by another and generate optimized HDL code (R2021a 이후)
Divide by Constant HDL OptimizedDivide input by a constant and round to integer and generate optimized HDL code (R2021a 이후)
Divide by Constant and Round입력값을 상수로 나누고 정수로 반올림 (R2021a 이후)
CORDIC Sigmoid HDL OptimizedCORDIC-based sigmoid activation (R2024a 이후)
CORDIC Square Root HDL OptimizedCORDIC-based approximation of square root (R2024a 이후)


Modulo by Constant HDL OptimizedPerform mod operation with a constant denominator and generate optimized HDL code (R2021a 이후)
Modulo by Constant상수 분모로 모듈로 연산 수행 (R2021a 이후)


Normalized Reciprocal HDL OptimizedComputes normalized reciprocal and generates optimized HDL code (R2020a 이후)
Real Reciprocal HDL OptimizedCompute reciprocal and generate optimized HDL code (R2021a 이후)


Hyperbolic Tangent HDL OptimizedCORDIC 기반 쌍곡탄젠트 계산 및 최적화된 HDL 코드 생성 (R2020a 이후)

AX = B의 해 구하기

Real Burst Matrix Solve Using QR DecompositionCompute the value of x in the equation Ax = B for real-valued matrices using QR decomposition
Complex Burst Matrix Solve Using QR DecompositionCompute the value of x in the equation Ax = B for complex-valued matrices using QR decomposition
Real Partial-Systolic Matrix Solve Using QR DecompositionCompute value of x in the equation Ax = B for real-valued matrices using QR decomposition (R2020b 이후)
Complex Partial-Systolic Matrix Solve Using QR DecompositionCompute value of x in the equation Ax = B for complex-valued matrices using QR decomposition (R2020b 이후)
Systolic Matrix Solve Using QR DecompositionCompute value of X in the equation AX = B using QR decomposition (R2024a 이후)

A'AX = B의 해 구하기

Real Burst Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR DecompositionCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for real-valued matrices using Q-less QR decomposition (R2020a 이후)
Complex Burst Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR DecompositionCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for complex-valued matrices using Q-less QR decomposition (R2020a 이후)
Real Burst Asynchronous Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR DecompositionCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for real-valued matrices using asynchronous Q-less QR decomposition (R2022b 이후)
Complex Burst Asynchronous Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR DecompositionCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for complex-valued matrices using asynchronous Q-less QR decomposition (R2022b 이후)
Real Partial-Systolic Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR DecompositionCompute value of X in the equation A'AX = B for real-valued matrices using Q-less QR decomposition (R2020b 이후)
Complex Partial-Systolic Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR DecompositionCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for complex-valued matrices using Q-less QR decomposition (R2020b 이후)

무한한 tall형 A 행렬의 A'AX = B의 해 구하기

Real Burst Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting FactorCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for real-valued matrices with infinite number of rows using asynchronous Q-less QR decomposition (R2022b 이후)
Complex Burst Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting FactorCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for complex-valued matrices with infinite number of rows using asynchronous Q-less QR decomposition (R2022b 이후)
Real Partial-Systolic Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting FactorCompute value of X in the equation A'AX = B for real-valued matrices with infinite number of rows using Q-less QR decomposition (R2020b 이후)
Complex Partial-Systolic Matrix Solve Using Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting FactorCompute the value of X in the equation A'AX = B for complex-valued matrices with infinite number of rows using Q-less QR decomposition (R2020b 이후)

QR 분해

Real Burst QR DecompositionQR decomposition for real-valued matrices
Complex Burst QR DecompositionQR decomposition for complex-valued matrices
Real Partial-Systolic QR DecompositionQR decomposition for real-valued matrices (R2020b 이후)
Complex Partial-Systolic QR DecompositionQR decomposition for complex-valued matrices (R2020b 이후)
Systolic QR DecompositionQR decomposition for matrices (R2024a 이후)

Q-less QR 분해

Real Burst Q-less QR DecompositionQ-less QR decomposition for real-valued matrices (R2020a 이후)
Complex Burst Q-less QR DecompositionQ-less QR decomposition for complex-valued matrices (R2020a 이후)
Real Burst Q-less QR Decomposition Whole R OutputQ-less QR decomposition for real-valued matrices (R2022b 이후)
Complex Burst Q-less QR Decomposition Whole R OutputQ-less QR decomposition for complex-valued matrices (R2022b 이후)
Real Partial-Systolic Q-less QR DecompositionQ-less QR decomposition for real-valued matrices (R2020b 이후)
Complex Partial-Systolic Q-less QR DecompositionQ-less QR decomposition for complex-valued matrices (R2020b 이후)

망각 인자가 적용된 Q-less QR 분해

Real Burst Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting Factor Whole R OutputQ-less QR decomposition for real-valued matrices with infinite number of rows (R2022b 이후)
Complex Burst Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting Factor Whole R OutputQ-less QR decomposition for complex-valued matrices with infinite number of rows (R2022b 이후)
Real Partial-Systolic Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting FactorQ-less QR decomposition for real-valued matrices with infinite number of rows (R2020b 이후)
Complex Partial-Systolic Q-less QR Decomposition with Forgetting FactorQ-less QR decomposition for complex-valued matrices with infinite number of rows (R2020b 이후)

특이값 분해

Square Jacobi SVD HDL OptimizedFixed-point singular value decomposition (R2023a 이후)
Non-Square Jacobi SVD HDL OptimizedFixed-point singular value decomposition (R2023b 이후)


모두 확장

fixed.qrFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for transforming A and R and B to C=Q'B in-place, where QR=A is QR decomposition of A (R2021b 이후)
fixed.qlessqrFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for transforming A to R in-place, where R is upper-triangular factor of QR decomposition of A, without computing Q (R2021b 이후)
fixed.realQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of real-valued AX=B using QR decomposition (R2021b 이후)
fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of complex-valued AX=B using QR decomposition (R2021b 이후)
fixed.realQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of real-valued A'AX=B using QR decomposition (R2021b 이후)
fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of complex-valued A'AX=B using QR decomposition (R2021b 이후)
fixed.realSingularValueLowerBoundEstimate lower bound for smallest singular value of real-valued matrix (R2021b 이후)
fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBoundEstimate lower bound for smallest singular value of complex-valued matrix (R2021b 이후)
fixed.singularValueUpperBoundUpper bound of largest singular value of matrix (R2022b 이후)
fixed.realConditionNumberUpperBoundEstimate of upper bound for 2-norm condition number of real-valued matrix (R2022b 이후)
fixed.complexConditionNumberUpperBoundEstimate of upper bound for 2-norm condition number of complex-valued matrix (R2022b 이후)
fixed.forgettingFactorCompute forgetting factor required for streaming input data (R2021b 이후)
fixed.forgettingFactorInverseCompute the inverse of the forgetting factor required for streaming input data (R2021b 이후)
fixed.realQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviationEstimate standard deviation of quantization noise of real-valued signal (R2021b 이후)
fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviationEstimate standard deviation of quantization noise of complex-valued signal (R2021b 이후)
embblk.latency.systolicQRBlockTimingCompute throughput and latency of Systolic QR Decomposition block (R2024a 이후)
embblk.latency.systolicQRMatrixSolverBlockTimingCompute throughput and latency of Systolic Matrix Solve Using QR Decomposition block (R2024a 이후)
embblk.latency.cordicSqrtHDLOptimizedLatencyCompute throughput and latency of Systolic QR Decomposition block (R2024a 이후)

도움말 항목

수학 연산


선형 시스템 솔버: AX = B의 해 구하기

선형 시스템 솔버: A'AX = B의 해 구하기

선형 시스템 솔버: 무한한 tall형 A 행렬의 A'AX = B의 해 구하기

행렬 분해: QR 분해

행렬 분해: Q-less QR 분해

행렬 분해: 망각 인자가 적용된 Q-less QR 분해

행렬 분해: 특이값 분해

선형 시스템 솔버와 행렬 분해를 위해 해석적으로 고정소수점 데이터형 확인

추천 예제