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영상 레이블 지정기컴퓨터 비전 응용 분야에서 영상에 레이블 지정
비디오 레이블 지정기Label video for computer vision applications


모두 확장

데이터 불러오기

cuboid2imgProject cuboids from 3-D world coordinates to 2-D image coordinates (R2022b 이후)
groundTruthDataSourceObject for storing ground truth data sources
pixelLabelDatastoreDatastore for pixel label data
boxLabelDatastoreDatastore for bounding box label data (R2019b 이후)
groundTruthGround truth label data

레이블 정의 만들기

labelDefinitionCreatorObject for storing, modifying and creating label definitions table
create Create label definitions table from the label definition creator object
infoDisplay information about a label, sublabel, or attribute stored in label definition creator object


addLabelAdd label to label definition creator object
addSublabelAdd sublabel to label in label definition creator object
addAttributeAdd attributes to label or sublabel in label definition creator object


editLabelGroupModify a label group name
editGroupNameChange group name
editLabelDescriptionModify description of label or sublabel in label definition creator object
editAttributeDescriptionModify description of attribute in label definition creator object


removeLabelRemove label from label definition creator object
removeSublabelRemove sublabel from label in label definition creator object
removeAttributeRemove attribute from label or sublabel in label definition creator object

작업 플래그

initializeInitialize state for algorithm execution (optional)
runRun label automation on every frame in interval
terminateTerminate automated algorithm (optional)


checkSetupSet up validation (optional)
checkLabelDefinitionValidate label definition


vision.labeler.AutomationAlgorithmInterface for algorithm automation in ground truth labeling
settingsDialogDisplay algorithm settings (optional)
vision.labeler.mixin.TemporalMixin interface for adding temporal context to automation algorithms
vision.labeler.mixin.BlockedImageAutomationMixin interface for performing blocked image automation (R2021a 이후)
blockedImageAutomationAlgorithmImplements the blocked image automation algorithm (R2021a 이후)
supportsReverseAutomationSet reverse algorithm automation flag

데이터 저장

groundTruthGround truth label data
mergeMerge two or more ground truth objects (R2023b 이후)
pixelLabelDatastoreDatastore for pixel label data
boxLabelDatastoreDatastore for bounding box label data (R2019b 이후)
changeFilePathsChange file paths in ground truth data
writeVideoScenesWrite video sequence to video file (R2021b 이후)
sceneTimeRangesTime ranges of scene labels from ground truth data (R2021b 이후)
gatherLabelDataGather label data from ground truth (R2021a 이후)

레이블 선택

selectLabelsByGroupSelect ground truth labels by label group
selectLabelsByTypeSelect ground truth labels by label type
selectLabelsByNameSelect ground truth labels by label name

특성 및 레이블 유형 열거

attributeTypeAttribute type enumerations for labeling
labelTypeLabel type enumerations for labeling

객체 검출기를 위한 훈련 데이터 만들기

objectDetectorTrainingDataCreate training data for an object detector
pixelLabelTrainingDataCreate training data for semantic segmentation from ground truth
polyToBlockedImageCreate labeled blockedImage object from set of ROIs (R2021b 이후)
mergeMerge two or more ground truth objects (R2023b 이후)

도움말 항목


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