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다중 객체 추적기
다양한 센서의 정보를 융합하는 다중 객체 추적기를 만들 수 있습니다. 추적된 객체에 대해 단일 가설을 관리하려면 trackerGNN
을 사용합니다. 추적된 객체에 대해 여러 가설을 관리하려면 trackerTOMHT
를 사용합니다. 추적된 객체에 여러 가능한 탐지를 할당하려면 trackerJPDA
를 사용합니다. PHD(확률 가설 밀도) 함수를 사용하여 추적된 객체를 나타내려면 trackerPHD
를 사용합니다. 그리드 기반 점유 증거(occupancy evidence) 접근법을 사용하여 객체를 추적하려면 trackerGridRFS
를 사용합니다. 추적 센서나 추적기가 생성한 트랙을 융합하고 분산화된 추적 시스템을 설계하려면 trackFuser
를 사용합니다.
도움말 항목
- Introduction to Multiple Target Tracking
Introduction to assignment-based multiple target trackers.
- Introduction to Assignment Methods in Tracking Systems
Introduce 2-D and S-D assignment problems in tracking systems.
- Introduction to Track-To-Track Fusion
Track-To-Track Fusion Architecture Using Track Fuser.
- Multiple Extended Object Tracking
Introduction to methods and examples of multiple extended object tracking in the toolbox.
- Convert Detections to objectDetection Format
These examples show how to convert actual detections in the native format of the sensor into
objects. - Introduction to Using the Global Nearest Neighbor Tracker
This example shows how to configure and use the global nearest neighbor (GNN) tracker.
- Introduction to Track Logic
This example shows how to define and use confirmation and deletion logic that are based on history or score.
- Introduction to PHD Filter
This example introduces the principles behind the probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter and how it can be used to estimate the number and states of multiple objects in a scene. (R2023b 이후)
- Generate Code with Strict Single-Precision and Non-Dynamic Memory Allocation
Introduce functions, objects, and blocks that support strict single-precision and non-dynamic memory allocation code generation in Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox™.