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오류 검출 및 정정

CRC 코드와 블록 및 컨벌루션 채널 코딩

다음을 사용하여 오류 검출 및 정정을 적용합니다.

  • 순환 중복 검사(CRC) 코딩 기법. HDL에 최적화된 CRC 생성기 및 검출기도 포함됩니다.

  • 선형 블록 코드, 해밍 코드, BCH(Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem) 코드, 리드-솔로몬(RS) 코드, 저밀도 패리티 검사(LDPC) 코드 및 터보 곱 코드(TPC)를 포함한 블록 코딩 기법. HDL에 최적화된 RS 인코더 및 디코더도 포함됩니다.

  • 컨벌루션, 터보, 사후 확률(APP) 및 비터비 기법을 포함한 컨벌루션 코딩 기법. 처리 속도 향상을 위해 GPU로 실행되는 터보 및 비터비 디코더도 포함됩니다.

  • 유한체의 짝수 및 홀수 위수(order) 요소의 조작이 가능한 갈루아 체.

오류 제어 코드에 대한 자세한 내용은 Error Detection and Correction 항목을 참조하십시오.


모두 확장

crcConfigCyclic redundancy check (CRC) coding configuration (R2024a 이후)
crcGenerateGenerate CRC code bits and append them to input data (R2024a 이후)
crcDetectDetect errors in input data using CRC parity bits (R2024a 이후)

선형 블록 코드

cyclgenProduce parity-check and generator matrices for cyclic code
cyclpolyProduce generator polynomials for binary cyclic code
decodeBlock decoder
encodeBlock encoder
gfweightCalculate minimum distance of linear block code
gen2parConvert between parity-check and generator matrices
hammgenParity-check and generator matrices for Hamming code
syndtableProduce syndrome decoding table

BCH 코드

bchencBCH encoder
bchdecBCH decoder
bchgenpolyProduce generator polynomials for BCH code
bchnumerrNumber of correctable errors for BCH code

리드-솔로몬 코드

rsenc리드-솔로몬 인코더
rsdecReed-Solomon decoder
rsgenpolyGenerator polynomial of Reed-Solomon code
rsgenpolycoeffsGenerator polynomial coefficients of Reed-Solomon code


ldpcEncode이진 LDPC 코드 인코딩 (R2021b 이후)
ldpcDecodeDecode binary LDPC code (R2021b 이후)
ldpcEncoderConfigLPDC 인코더 구성 만들기 (R2021b 이후)
ldpcDecoderConfigCreate LDPC decoder configuration (R2021b 이후)
ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrixParity-check matrix of quasi-cyclic LDPC code (R2021b 이후)
dvbs2ldpcDVB-S.2 표준의 저밀도 패리티 검사(LDPC) 코드

터보 곱 코드

tpcencTurbo product code (TPC) encoder
tpcdecTurbo product code (TPC) decoder
convencConvolutionally encode binary message
vitdecConvolutionally decode binary data by using Viterbi algorithm
distspecCompute distance spectrum of convolutional code
getTurboIOIndicesCompute output indices for turbo coding (R2021a 이후)
iscatastrophicTrue for trellis corresponding to catastrophic convolutional code
istrellisTrue for valid trellis structure
oct2dec8진수를 10진수로 변환
poly2trellisConvert convolutional code polynomials to trellis description

갈루아 체 계산 — 짝수 위수 유한체

convmtxConvolution matrix of Galois field vector
cosetsProduce cyclotomic cosets for Galois field
dftmtxDiscrete Fourier transform matrix in Galois field
fftFast Fourier transform of Galois field vector
filter (gf)1-D digital filter over Galois field
gfGalois field array
gftableGenerate file to accelerate Galois field computations
ifftInverse fast Fourier transform of Galois field vector
isprimitiveTrue for primitive polynomial for Galois field
log갈루아 체의 로그
minpolFind minimal polynomial of Galois field element
mldivideSolve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x when A is a Galois array
primpolyFind primitive polynomials for Galois field

홀수 특성의 갈루아 체 — 홀수 위수(order) 유한체

gfaddAdd polynomials over Galois field
gfconvMultiply polynomials over Galois field
gfcosetsProduce cyclotomic cosets for Galois field
gfdeconvDivide polynomials over Galois field
gfdivDivide elements of Galois field
gffilterFilter data using polynomials over prime Galois field
gflineqFind particular solution of Ax = b over prime Galois field
gfminpolFind minimal polynomial of Galois field element
gfmulMultiply elements of Galois field
gfprettyPolynomial in traditional format
gfprimckCheck whether polynomial over Galois field is primitive
gfprimdfProvide default primitive polynomials for Galois field
gfprimfdFind primitive polynomials for Galois field
gfrankCompute rank of matrix over Galois field
gfrepcovConvert one binary polynomial representation to another
gfrootsFind roots of polynomial over prime Galois field
gfsubSubtract polynomials over Galois field
gftruncMinimize length of polynomial representation
gftupleSimplify or convert Galois field element formatting


모두 확장

comm.CRCGeneratorGenerate CRC code bits and append to input data
comm.CRCDetectorDetect errors in input data using CRC
comm.HDLCRCGeneratorGenerate CRC code bits and append to input data
comm.HDLCRCDetectorDetect errors in input data using CRC

BCH 코드

comm.BCHEncoderEncode data using BCH encoder
comm.BCHDecoderDecode data using BCH decoder

리드-솔로몬 코드

comm.RSEncoderEncode data using Reed-Solomon encoder
comm.RSDecoderDecode data using Reed-Solomon decoder
comm.HDLRSEncoderEncode message using Reed-Solomon encoder
comm.HDLRSDecoderDecode message using Reed-Solomon decoder


comm.gpu.LDPCDecoder(To be removed) Decode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code with GPU
comm.ConvolutionalEncoderConvolutionally encode binary data
comm.gpu.ConvolutionalEncoderConvolutionally encode binary data with GPU
comm.TurboEncoderEncode input signal using turbo encoder parallel concatenated encoding scheme
comm.APPDecoderDecode convolutional code by using APP method
comm.TurboDecoderDecode input signal using turbo decoder parallel concatenated decoding scheme
comm.gpu.TurboDecoderDecode input signal using turbo decoding with GPU
comm.ViterbiDecoderDecode convolutionally encoded data using Viterbi algorithm
comm.gpu.ViterbiDecoderDecode convolutionally encoded data using Viterbi algorithm with GPU


모두 확장

General CRC GeneratorGenerate CRC code bits according to generator polynomial and append to input data frames
General CRC Syndrome DetectorDetect errors in received codeword frames according to generator polynomial
General CRC Generator HDL OptimizedGenerate CRC code bits and append them to input data
General CRC Syndrome Detector HDL OptimizedDetect errors in input data using CRC

선형 블록 코드

Binary Cyclic EncoderCreate systematic cyclic code from binary vector data
Binary Cyclic DecoderDecode systematic cyclic code to recover binary vector data
Binary Linear EncoderCreate linear block code from binary vector data
Binary Linear DecoderDecode linear block code to recover binary vector data
Hamming EncoderCreate Hamming code from binary vector data
Hamming DecoderDecode Hamming code to recover binary vector data

BCH 코드

BCH EncoderCreate BCH code from binary vector data
BCH DecoderDecode BCH code to recover binary vector data

리드-솔로몬 코드

Binary-Input RS EncoderCreate Reed-Solomon code from binary vector data
Binary-Output RS DecoderDecode Reed-Solomon code to recover binary vector data
Integer-Input RS EncoderCreate Reed-Solomon code from integer vector data
Integer-Output RS DecoderDecode Reed-Solomon code to recover integer vector data
Integer-Input RS Encoder HDL OptimizedEncode data using a Reed-Solomon (RS) encoder
Integer-Output RS Decoder HDL OptimizedDecode data using Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder


LDPC EncoderEncode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code
LDPC DecoderDecode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code

터보 곱 코드

TPC EncoderTurbo product code (TPC) encoder
TPC DecoderTurbo product code (TPC) decoder
Convolutional EncoderEncode binary data using convolutional encoding scheme
Turbo EncoderEncode binary data using parallel concatenated encoding scheme
APP DecoderDecode convolutional code using a posteriori probability (APP) method
Turbo DecoderDecode input signal using parallel concatenated decoding scheme
Viterbi DecoderDecode convolutionally encoded data using Viterbi algorithm

도움말 항목

추천 예제