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오류 검출 및 정정
다음을 사용하여 오류 검출 및 정정을 적용합니다.
순환 중복 검사(CRC) 코딩 기법. HDL에 최적화된 CRC 생성기 및 검출기도 포함됩니다.
선형 블록 코드, 해밍 코드, BCH(Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem) 코드, 리드-솔로몬(RS) 코드, 저밀도 패리티 검사(LDPC) 코드 및 터보 곱 코드(TPC)를 포함한 블록 코딩 기법. HDL에 최적화된 RS 인코더 및 디코더도 포함됩니다.
컨벌루션, 터보, 사후 확률(APP) 및 비터비 기법을 포함한 컨벌루션 코딩 기법. 처리 속도 향상을 위해 GPU로 실행되는 터보 및 비터비 디코더도 포함됩니다.
유한체의 짝수 및 홀수 위수(order) 요소의 조작이 가능한 갈루아 체.
오류 제어 코드에 대한 자세한 내용은 Error Detection and Correction 항목을 참조하십시오.
순환 중복 검사 코드
crcConfig | Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) coding configuration (R2024a 이후) |
crcGenerate | Generate CRC code bits and append them to input data (R2024a 이후) |
crcDetect | Detect errors in input data using CRC parity bits (R2024a 이후) |
블록 코딩
선형 블록 코드
cyclgen | Produce parity-check and generator matrices for cyclic code |
cyclpoly | Produce generator polynomials for binary cyclic code |
decode | Block decoder |
encode | Block encoder |
gfweight | Calculate minimum distance of linear block code |
gen2par | Convert between parity-check and generator matrices |
hammgen | Parity-check and generator matrices for Hamming code |
syndtable | Produce syndrome decoding table |
BCH 코드
bchenc | BCH encoder |
bchdec | BCH decoder |
bchgenpoly | Produce generator polynomials for BCH code |
bchnumerr | Number of correctable errors for BCH code |
리드-솔로몬 코드
rsenc | 리드-솔로몬 인코더 |
rsdec | Reed-Solomon decoder |
rsgenpoly | Generator polynomial of Reed-Solomon code |
rsgenpolycoeffs | Generator polynomial coefficients of Reed-Solomon code |
ldpcEncode | 이진 LDPC 코드 인코딩 (R2021b 이후) |
ldpcDecode | Decode binary LDPC code (R2021b 이후) |
ldpcEncoderConfig | LPDC 인코더 구성 만들기 (R2021b 이후) |
ldpcDecoderConfig | Create LDPC decoder configuration (R2021b 이후) |
ldpcQuasiCyclicMatrix | Parity-check matrix of quasi-cyclic LDPC code (R2021b 이후) |
dvbs2ldpc | DVB-S.2 표준의 저밀도 패리티 검사(LDPC) 코드 |
터보 곱 코드
컨벌루션 코딩
convenc | Convolutionally encode binary message |
vitdec | Convolutionally decode binary data by using Viterbi algorithm |
distspec | Compute distance spectrum of convolutional code |
getTurboIOIndices | Compute output indices for turbo coding (R2021a 이후) |
iscatastrophic | True for trellis corresponding to catastrophic convolutional code |
istrellis | True for valid trellis structure |
oct2dec | 8진수를 10진수로 변환 |
poly2trellis | Convert convolutional code polynomials to trellis description |
갈루아 체
갈루아 체 계산 — 짝수 위수 유한체
convmtx | Convolution matrix of Galois field vector |
cosets | Produce cyclotomic cosets for Galois field |
dftmtx | Discrete Fourier transform matrix in Galois field |
fft | Fast Fourier transform of Galois field vector |
filter (gf) | 1-D digital filter over Galois field |
gf | Galois field array |
gftable | Generate file to accelerate Galois field computations |
ifft | Inverse fast Fourier transform of Galois field vector |
isprimitive | True for primitive polynomial for Galois field |
log | 갈루아 체의 로그 |
minpol | Find minimal polynomial of Galois field element |
mldivide | Solve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x when A is a Galois array |
primpoly | Find primitive polynomials for Galois field |
홀수 특성의 갈루아 체 — 홀수 위수(order) 유한체
gfadd | Add polynomials over Galois field |
gfconv | Multiply polynomials over Galois field |
gfcosets | Produce cyclotomic cosets for Galois field |
gfdeconv | Divide polynomials over Galois field |
gfdiv | Divide elements of Galois field |
gffilter | Filter data using polynomials over prime Galois field |
gflineq | Find particular solution of Ax = b over
prime Galois field |
gfminpol | Find minimal polynomial of Galois field element |
gfmul | Multiply elements of Galois field |
gfpretty | Polynomial in traditional format |
gfprimck | Check whether polynomial over Galois field is primitive |
gfprimdf | Provide default primitive polynomials for Galois field |
gfprimfd | Find primitive polynomials for Galois field |
gfrank | Compute rank of matrix over Galois field |
gfrepcov | Convert one binary polynomial representation to another |
gfroots | Find roots of polynomial over prime Galois field |
gfsub | Subtract polynomials over Galois field |
gftrunc | Minimize length of polynomial representation |
gftuple | Simplify or convert Galois field element formatting |
순환 중복 검사 코드
comm.CRCGenerator | Generate CRC code bits and append to input data |
comm.CRCDetector | Detect errors in input data using CRC |
comm.HDLCRCGenerator | Generate CRC code bits and append to input data |
comm.HDLCRCDetector | Detect errors in input data using CRC |
블록 코딩
BCH 코드
comm.BCHEncoder | Encode data using BCH encoder |
comm.BCHDecoder | Decode data using BCH decoder |
리드-솔로몬 코드
comm.RSEncoder | Encode data using Reed-Solomon encoder |
comm.RSDecoder | Decode data using Reed-Solomon decoder |
comm.HDLRSEncoder | Encode message using Reed-Solomon encoder |
comm.HDLRSDecoder | Decode message using Reed-Solomon decoder |
comm.gpu.LDPCDecoder | (To be removed) Decode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code with GPU |
컨벌루션 코딩
comm.ConvolutionalEncoder | Convolutionally encode binary data |
comm.gpu.ConvolutionalEncoder | Convolutionally encode binary data with GPU |
comm.TurboEncoder | Encode input signal using turbo encoder parallel concatenated encoding scheme |
comm.APPDecoder | Decode convolutional code by using APP method |
comm.TurboDecoder | Decode input signal using turbo decoder parallel concatenated decoding scheme |
comm.gpu.TurboDecoder | Decode input signal using turbo decoding with GPU |
comm.ViterbiDecoder | Decode convolutionally encoded data using Viterbi algorithm |
comm.gpu.ViterbiDecoder | Decode convolutionally encoded data using Viterbi algorithm with GPU |
순환 중복 검사 코드
General CRC Generator | Generate CRC code bits according to generator polynomial and append to input data frames |
General CRC Syndrome Detector | Detect errors in received codeword frames according to generator polynomial |
General CRC Generator HDL Optimized | Generate CRC code bits and append them to input data |
General CRC Syndrome Detector HDL Optimized | Detect errors in input data using CRC |
블록 코딩
선형 블록 코드
Binary Cyclic Encoder | Create systematic cyclic code from binary vector data |
Binary Cyclic Decoder | Decode systematic cyclic code to recover binary vector data |
Binary Linear Encoder | Create linear block code from binary vector data |
Binary Linear Decoder | Decode linear block code to recover binary vector data |
Hamming Encoder | Create Hamming code from binary vector data |
Hamming Decoder | Decode Hamming code to recover binary vector data |
BCH 코드
BCH Encoder | Create BCH code from binary vector data |
BCH Decoder | Decode BCH code to recover binary vector data |
리드-솔로몬 코드
Binary-Input RS Encoder | Create Reed-Solomon code from binary vector data |
Binary-Output RS Decoder | Decode Reed-Solomon code to recover binary vector data |
Integer-Input RS Encoder | Create Reed-Solomon code from integer vector data |
Integer-Output RS Decoder | Decode Reed-Solomon code to recover integer vector data |
Integer-Input RS Encoder HDL Optimized | Encode data using a Reed-Solomon (RS) encoder |
Integer-Output RS Decoder HDL Optimized | Decode data using Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder |
LDPC Encoder | Encode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code |
LDPC Decoder | Decode binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code |
터보 곱 코드
TPC Encoder | Turbo product code (TPC) encoder |
TPC Decoder | Turbo product code (TPC) decoder |
컨벌루션 코딩
Convolutional Encoder | Encode binary data using convolutional encoding scheme |
Turbo Encoder | Encode binary data using parallel concatenated encoding scheme |
APP Decoder | Decode convolutional code using a posteriori probability (APP) method |
Turbo Decoder | Decode input signal using parallel concatenated decoding scheme |
Viterbi Decoder | Decode convolutionally encoded data using Viterbi algorithm |
도움말 항목
- Error Detection and Correction
Detect errors using cyclic redundancy check (CRC) codes. Learn about various error-control channel coding techniques.
- Transmit and Receive Shortened Reed-Solomon Codes
Transmit and receive standard and shortened RS-encoded, 64-QAM-modulated data through an AWGN channel.
- Reed-Solomon Coding with Erasures, Punctures, and Shortening in Simulink
Configure Reed-Solomon (RS) codes to perform block coding with erasures, punctures, and shortening.
- Creation, Validation, and Testing of User Defined Trellis Structure
Use MATLAB® to create and validate a user defined trellis structure, then use a unit test bench built in Simulink® to test the implementation.
- Working with Galois Fields
This example shows how to work with Galois fields.
- Representation of Polynomials in Communications Toolbox
You can specify polynomials as a character vector or string scalar by using a variety of syntaxes.
추천 예제
DVB-S.2 Link, Including LDPC Coding
The application of low density parity check (LDPC) codes in the second generation Digital Video Broadcasting standard (DVB-S.2), which is deployed by DIRECTV in the United States. The example uses communications System objects to simulate a transmitter-receiver chain that includes LDPC encoding and decoding.
DVB-S.2 Link, Including LDPC Coding in Simulink
The state-of-the-art channel coding scheme used in the second generation Digital Video Broadcasting standard (DVB-S.2), which is deployed by DIRECTV in the United States. The coding scheme is based on concatenation of LDPC (Low-Density Parity-Check) and BCH codes. LDPC codes, invented by Gallager in his seminal doctoral thesis in 1960, can achieve extremely low error rates near channel capacity by using a low-complexity iterative decoding algorithm. The outer BCH codes are used to correct sporadic errors made by the LDPC decoder.
LDPC Link Simulation Using GPU Processing
Use the ldpcDecode function and gpuArray to increase the speed of a communications system simulation.
Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Coding: Turbo Codes
Characterize the performance of turbo codes over a noisy channel.
Tail-Biting Convolutional Coding
Use the Convolutional Encoder and Viterbi Decoder blocks to simulate a tail-biting convolutional code.
Rate 2/3 Convolutional Code in AWGN
Generate a bit error rate versus Eb/No curve for a link that uses 16-QAM modulation and a rate 2/3 convolutional code in AWGN.
Punctured Convolutional Coding
Use the convolutional encoder and Viterbi decoder System objects to simulate the bit error rate (BER) of a punctured coding system.
경판정 및 연판정 비터비 디코딩의 BER 추정하기
AWGN에서 경판정 및 연판정 비터비 디코더의 비트 오류율(BER) 성능을 추정합니다. 이 성능을 코딩되지 않은 64-QAM 링크의 성능과 비교합니다.
Using GPUs to Accelerate Turbo Coding Bit Error Rate Simulations
Use GPUs to dramatically accelerate bit error rate simulations.
ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem
Use the Galois field array function, gf
, to implement an ElGamal public key cryptosystem.
5G LDPC Block Error Rate Simulation Using the Cloud or a Cluster
Use the cloud or a cluster for block error rate (BLER) simulation of low-density parity-check (LDPC) coding for the 5G NR downlink shared transport channel (DL-SCH).
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