Convolutionally decode binary data by using Viterbi algorithm
decodes each symbol of the decodedout
= vitdec(codedin
input by using the Viterbi
algorithm. All other inputs specify the convolutional coding trellis, traceback depth,
operating mode, and decision type, respectively and collectively configure the Viterbi
algorithm at runtime.
specifies a continuous operation mode for decodedout
= vitdec(codedin
for any of the
preceding syntaxes. The decoder starts with its initial state metrics, traceback states, and
traceback inputs specified by imetric
, istate
, and
, respectively.
Continuous operation mode enables you to save the internal state information of the decoder for use in subsequent calls to this function. Repeated calls to this function can be useful if your data is partitioned into a series of vectors that you process within a loop. For workflows that require repeated calls to the Viterbi decoding algorithm, see Tips.
also returns the final state metrics, traceback states, and traceback inputs at the end of
the decoding process when using a continuous operation mode for any of the preceding
syntaxes. Use decodedout
] = vitdec(codedin
, fstate
, and
as the initial settings of imetric
, and iinput
, respectively, in subsequent
calls to this function. For workflows that require repeated calls to the Viterbi decoding
algorithm, see Tips.
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
More About
Consider using the
System object™ when successive calls to the Viterbi algorithm are needed. The System object simplifies the required state retention operation by inherently retaining state metrics, traceback states, and inputs between calls.
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