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블록 및 컨벌루션 인터리빙

신호 데이터를 인터리빙 및 디인터리빙합니다.


모두 확장

algintrlvReorder symbols using algebraically derived permutation table
algdeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols using algebraically derived permutation table
intrlvReorder sequence of symbols
deintrlvRestore ordering of symbols
helscanintrlvReorder symbols in helical pattern
helscandeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols in helical pattern
matintrlvReorder symbols by filling matrix by rows and emptying it by columns
matdeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols by filling matrix by columns and emptying it by rows
randintrlv난수 순열을 사용하여 심볼 재정렬
randdeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols using random permutation
convintrlvPermute symbols using shift registers
convdeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols using shift registers
helintrlvPermute symbols using helical array
heldeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols permuted using helintrlv
muxintrlvPermute symbols using shift registers with specified delays
muxdeintrlvRestore ordering of symbols using specified shift registers


모두 확장

comm.gpu.BlockInterleaverCreate block interleaved sequence with GPU
comm.gpu.BlockDeinterleaverRestore original ordering of block interleaved sequence with GPU
comm.ConvolutionalInterleaverPermute symbols using set of shift registers with specified delays
comm.ConvolutionalDeinterleaverDeinterleave symbols using set of shift registers with specified delays
comm.gpu.ConvolutionalInterleaverPermute input symbols using shift registers with GPU
comm.gpu.ConvolutionalDeinterleaverDeinterleave symbols using set of shift registers with GPU
comm.HelicalInterleaverPermute input symbols using helical array
comm.HelicalDeinterleaverDeinterleave symbols using helical array
comm.MultiplexedInterleaverPermute symbols using set of shift registers with specified delays
comm.MultiplexedDeinterleaverDeinterleave symbols using set of shift registers with specified delays


모두 확장

Algebraic InterleaverReorder input symbols using algebraically derived permutation table
Algebraic DeinterleaverRestore ordering of input symbols using algebraically derived permutation
General Block InterleaverReorder symbols in input vector
General Block DeinterleaverRestore ordering of symbols in input vector
Matrix InterleaverPermute input symbols by filling matrix by rows and emptying it by columns
Matrix DeinterleaverPermute input symbols by filling matrix by columns and emptying it by rows
Matrix Helical Scan InterleaverPermute input symbols by selecting matrix elements along diagonals
Matrix Helical Scan DeinterleaverRestore ordering of input symbols by filling matrix along diagonals
Random InterleaverReorder input symbols using random permutation
Random DeinterleaverRestore ordering of input symbols using random permutation
Convolutional InterleaverPermute input symbols using set of shift registers
Convolutional DeinterleaverRestore ordering of symbols that were permuted using shift registers
General Multiplexed InterleaverPermute input symbols using set of shift registers with specified delays
General Multiplexed DeinterleaverRestore ordering of symbols using specified-delay shift registers
Helical InterleaverPermute input symbols using helical array
Helical DeinterleaverRestore ordering of symbols permuted by helical interleaver

도움말 항목

  • Interleaving

    Using block and convolutional interleavers, including matrix, random, algebraic, and helical scan.