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전파 및 채널 모델

사이트 및 지형 시각화, 전파 모델 사양(Longley-Rice 포함), 신호 강도, 신호 커버리지 맵, 정적 및 페이딩 채널 모델

RF 경로 전파 모델링은 신호가 주변 환경을 통과할 때 나타나는 송신 지점으로부터의 전자파 복사의 동작을 기술합니다. RF 전파 경로를 모델링하고 3차원으로 시각화합니다.

채널 모델링은 통신 시스템 링크의 무선 환경을 기술합니다. 전파 분석 및 채널 모델링은 다양한 시나리오에서 어떻게 송신기에서 수신기까지 전자파의 손실이 발생하는지 이해하는 데 필수적입니다. 레일리, 라이시안 또는 WINNER II 페이딩 프로파일을 가진 잡음 있는 SISO 및 MIMO 채널을 모델링하고 시각화합니다. 대기에서의 손상 및 다중 도플러 스펙트럼 형상도 사용할 수 있습니다.


모두 확장

맵 데이터

addCustomBasemapAdd custom basemap
addCustomTerrainAdd custom terrain data
removeCustomBasemapRemove custom basemap
removeCustomTerrainRemove custom terrain data


showShow site in Site Viewer
hideHide site from Site Viewer
distance사이트 간 거리
angleAngle between sites
elevationElevation of site
locationCoordinates at distance and angle from site

전파 및 시각화

coverageDisplay or compute coverage map
patternDisplay antenna radiation pattern in Site Viewer
sinrDisplay or compute signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) ratio
linkDisplay or compute communication link status
sigstrengthReceived signal strength
raytraceDisplay or compute RF propagation rays
losDisplay or compute line-of-sight (LOS) visibility status
propagationModelCreate RF propagation model
pathlossPath loss of radio wave propagation

경로 손실

cranerainplRF signal attenuation due to rainfall using Crane model (R2020a 이후)
rainplRF signal attenuation due to rainfall using ITU model
gasplRF signal attenuation due to atmosphere gaseous absorption
fogplRF signal attenuation due to fog and clouds
fspl자유 공간 경로 손실
rayplPath loss and phase change for RF propagation ray (R2020a 이후)
buildingMaterialPermittivityPermittivity and conductivity of building materials (R2020a 이후)
earthSurfacePermittivityPermittivity and conductivity of earth surface materials (R2020a 이후)

좌표계 변환

rangeangleRange and angle calculation
global2localcoordConvert global to local coordinates (R2020a 이후)
local2globalcoordConvert local to global coordinates (R2020a 이후)
cart2sphvecConvert vector from Cartesian components to spherical representation (R2020a 이후)
sph2cartvecConvert vector from spherical basis components to Cartesian components (R2020a 이후)

채널 모델

awgn신호에 백색 가우스 잡음 추가
bscBinary symmetric channel
stdchanConstruct channel System object from set of standardized channel models

채널 유틸리티

channelDelayChannel timing delay (R2020a 이후)
convertSNRConvert SNR values (R2022a 이후)
ofdmChannelResponseCalculate OFDM channel response (R2023a 이후)
dopplerConstruct Doppler spectrum structure
winner2.AntennaArrayCreate antenna array for WINNER II channel model
winner2.dipoleCalculate half-wavelength dipole field pattern for WINNER II channel model
winner2.layoutparsetWINNER II layout parameter configuration
winner2.wimGenerate channel coefficients using WINNER II channel model
winner2.wimparsetWINNER II model parameter configuration


모두 확장


txsiteCreate RF transmitter site
rxsiteCreate RF receiver site
siteviewerCreate Site Viewer
arrayConfigCreate phased array configuration (R2020b 이후)

전파 모델

FreeSpaceFree space propagation model
RainRain propagation model
GasGas propagation model
FogFog propagation model
CloseInClose-in propagation model
LongleyRiceLongley-Rice propagation model
RayTracingRay tracing propagation model

전파 데이터

propagationDataCreate RF propagation data from measurements (R2020a 이후)
comm.RayCreate RF propagation ray (R2020a 이후)

채널 모델

comm.AWGNChannelAdd white Gaussian noise to input signal
comm.RayTracingChannelFilter signal through multipath fading channel defined by propagation rays (R2020b 이후)
comm.RayleighChannel Filter input signal through multipath Rayleigh fading channel
comm.RicianChannel Filter input signal through multipath Rician fading channel
comm.MIMOChannelFilter input signal through MIMO multipath fading channel
comm.WINNER2ChannelFilter input signal through WINNER II fading channel
uwbChannelFilter input signal through UWB IEEE 802.15.4 a/z/ab channel (R2024a 이후)

채널 유틸리티

comm.ChannelFilterFilter signal using multipath gains at specified path delays (R2020b 이후)


모두 확장

Free Space Path LossApply free space path loss to complex signal

채널 모델

AWGN ChannelAdd white Gaussian noise to input signal
Binary Symmetric ChannelIntroduce binary errors
MIMO Fading ChannelFilter input signal through MIMO multipath fading channel
SISO Fading ChannelFilter input signal through SISO multipath fading channel

채널 유틸리티

OFDM Channel ResponseCalculate OFDM channel response (R2023a 이후)

도움말 항목

RF 전파

채널 모델링

  • AWGN 채널
    채널 및 RF 손상 특성을 모델링합니다.
  • Configure Eb/No for AWGN Channels with Coding
    This example shows how to set the bit energy to noise density ratio (Eb/No) for communication links employing channel coding.
  • Using AWGN Channel Block for Coded Signals
    When your simulation uses coding, the Eb/N0 setting for the AWGN channel must be adjusted by the coding rate to apply the desired signal to noise (SNR) ratio.
  • Fading Channels
    Defining a fading channel object and applying it to a signal.
  • Channel Visualization
    These channel modeling System objects and blocks in Communications Toolbox™ include an option to visualize the characteristics of a fading channel.
  • WINNER II Channel
    Model the WINNER II channel using the WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox add-on.

추천 예제