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Pumpkins have been a popular, recurring, and ever-evolving theme in MATLAB during the past few years, and particularly during this time of year. Much of this is driven by the epic work of @Eric Ludlam and expanded upon by many others. The list of material is too extensive to go through everything individually, but I'm listing some of my favourite resources below and I highly recommend these to everyone as they're a lot of fun to play with:
Pumpkins are also particularly prominent during the yearly Mini Hack Contests. This year, I have jumped onto the bandwagon myself with my Floating Pumpkins entry:
In this post, I would like to introduce the concept of masking 3D surfaces in a festive and fun way, by showcasing how to apply it for carving faces on pumpkins step by step.
Let's start by drawing the pumpkin's body. The following was adapted from Eric's code:
n = 600; % Number of faces
% Shape pumpkin's rind (skin)
[X,Y,Z] = sphere(n);
% Shape pumpkin's ribs (ridges)
R = (1-(1-mod(0:20/n:20,2)).^2/12);
X = X.*R; Y = Y.*R; Z = Z.*R;
Z = (.8+(0-linspace(1,-1,n+1)'.^4)*.3).*Z;
function plotPumpkin(X,Y,Z)
surf(X,Y,Z,'FaceColor',[1 .4 .1],'EdgeColor','none');
hold on
box on
axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1],'square')
xlabel('x'); xticks(-1:0.5:1)
ylabel('y'); yticks(-1:0.5:1)
zlabel('z'); zticks(-1:0.5:1)
lighting gouraud
The next step is drawing the face for the mask. This can be done in 2D and can consist of any number of lines that form polygonal closed shapes and are appropriately scaled relative to the coordinates of the pumpkin. A quick example:
% Mouth
xm = [-.5:.1:.5 flip(-.5:.1:.5)];
ym = [.15 -.3 -.25 -.5 -.4 -.6 flip([.15 -.3 -.25 -.5 -.4]) .15 -.05 0 -.25 -.15 -.3 flip([.15 -.05 0 -.25 -.15])];
% Right eye
xr = [-.35 -.05 -.35];
yr = [.1 0 .5];
% Left eye
xl = abs(xr);
yl = yr;
axis tight square
We then need to apply the 2D mask to the 3D surface. To do that, we project it onto the intersections of the surface with the XY plane. However, as we need the face to appear on the side of the pumpkin, we first need to rotate the pumpkin so that the front side is facing upwards. Essentially, we need to rotate the pumpkin around the x-axis by -π/2 rad.
Let's do this from first principles to better understand the process:
theta = [-pi/2,0,0];
[X,Y,Z] = xyzRotate(X,Y,Z,theta);
function [X,Y,Z] = xyzRotate(X,Y,Z,theta)
% Rotation matrices
Rx = [1 0 0;0 cos(theta(1)) -sin(theta(1));0 sin(theta(1)) cos(theta(1))];
Ry = [cos(theta(2)) 0 sin(theta(2));0 1 0;-sin(theta(2)) 0 cos(theta(2))];
Rz = [cos(theta(3)) -sin(theta(3)) 0;sin(theta(3)) cos(theta(3)) 0;0 0 1];
for i=1:size(X,1)
for j=1:size(X,2)
More information about these transformations can be found here:
When plotting we get:
Note that as we have only rotated this around the x-axis, Ry and Rz are equal to eye(3).
We can now apply the mask as discussed. We do this by using one of my favourite functions inpolygon. This gives us the corresponding indices of all the data points located inside our polygonal regions. At this stage, it's important to keep the following in mind:
  1. The number of faces (n) controls the discretization of the pumpkin. The larger it is, the smoother the mask will be, but at the same time the computational cost will also increase. If you are using this for the contest which has a timeout limit of 235 seconds, you might need to adjust it accordingly.
  2. You will also need to restrict the Z-coordinates appropriately (Z>=0) so that the mask is only applied on the front side of the pumpkin.
  3. If you are animating the face mask (more information about this below), and you need the eyes and mouth to fully close at any point, avoid using the second argument of the inpolygon function that gives you the points located on the edge of the regions.
The masking function is given below:
function [X,Y,Z] = Mask(X,Y,Z,xm,ym,xr,yr,xl,yl)
mask = ones(size(Z));
mask((inpolygon(X,Y,xm,ym)|inpolygon(X,Y,xr,yr)|inpolygon(X,Y,xl,yl))&Z>=0) = NaN;
Z = Z.*mask;
Applying the mask gives us:
arrayfun(@(x)light('style','local','position',[0 0 0],'color','y'),1:2)
We can see that MATLAB was thoughtful enough to automatically remove the pulp from inside the pumpkin, proving its convenience time and time again.
We can then rotate the pumpkin back and add the stem to get the final result:
theta = [pi/2,0,0];
[X,Y,Z] = xyzRotate(X,Y,Z,theta);
% Stem
s = [1.5 1 repelem(.7, 6)] .* [repmat([.1 .06],1,round(n/20)) .1]';
[t,p] = meshgrid(0:pi/15:pi/2,linspace(0,pi,round(n/10)+1));
Xs = repmat(-(.4-cos(p).*s).*cos(t)+.4,2,1);
Ys = [-sin(p).*s;sin(p).*s];
Zs = repmat((.5-cos(p).*s).*sin(t)+.55,2,1);
arrayfun(@(x)light('style','local','position',[0 0 0],'color','y'),1:2)
And that's it. You can now add some change to the mask's coordinates between frames and play around with the lighting to get results such as these (more information on how to do this on my Teaser entry):
I hope you have found this tutorial useful, and I'm looking forward to seeing many more creative entries during the final week of the contest.
A key aspect to masting MATLAB Graphics is getting a hang of the MATLAB Graphics Object Hierarchy which is essentially the structure of MATLAB figures that is used in the rendering pipeline. The base object is the Graphics Root (see groot) which contains the Figure. The Figure contains Axes or other containers such as a Tiled Chart Layout (see tiledlayout). Then these Axes can contain graphics primatives (the objects that contain data and get rendered) such as Lines or Patches.
Every graphics object has two important properties, the "Parent" and "Children" properties which can be used to access other objects in the tree. This can be very useful when trying to customize a pre-built chart (such as adding grid lines to both axes in an eye diagram chart) or when trying to access the axes of a non-current figure via a primative (so "gca" doesn't help out).
One last Tip and Trick with this is that you can declare graphics primatives without putting them on or creating an Axes by setting the first input argument to "gobjects(0)" which is an empty array of placeholder graphics objects. Then, when you have an Axes to plot the primitive on and are ready to render it, you can set the "Parent" of the object to your new Axes.
For Example:
l = line(gobjects(0), 1:10, 1:10);
l.Parent = gca;
Practicing navigating and exploring this tree will help propel your understanding of plotting in MATLAB.
Quick answer: Add set(hS,'Color',[0 0.4470 0.7410]) to code line 329 (R2023b).
Explanation: Function corrplot uses functions plotmatrix and lsline. In lsline get(hh(k),'Color') is called in for cycle for each line and scatter object in axes. Inside the corrplot it is also called for all axes, which is slow. However, when you first set the color to any given value, internal optimization makes it much faster. I chose [0 0.4470 0.7410], because it is a default color for plotmatrix and corrplot and this setting doesn't change a behavior of corrplot.
Suggestion for a better solution: Add the line of code set(hS,'Color',[0 0.4470 0.7410]) to the function plotmatrix. This will make not only corrplot faster, but also any other possible combinations of plotmatrix and get functions called like this:
h = plotmatrix(A);
% set(h,'Color',[0 0.4470 0.7410])
for k = 1:length(h(:))
Adam Danz just launched a new blog about MATLAB Graphics and App Building.
As you know, He has been a prolific contributor to MATLAB Answers and one of his answers recently won the Editor's Choice Award.
If there are any topics or questions you are interested in, please share with Adam, and I am sure he will get those into his blog.
Adam Danz
Adam Danz
최근 활동: 2024년 3월 6일

I'm curious how the community uses the hold command when creating charts and graphics in MATLAB. In short, hold on sets up the axes to add new objects to the axes while hold off sets up the axes to reset when new objects are added.
When you use hold on do you always follow up with hold off? What's your reasoning on this decision?
Can't wait to discuss this here! I'd love to hear from newbies and experts alike!
New in R2022b: GridSizeChangedFcn
tiledlayout() creates a TiledChartLayout object that defines a gridded layout of axes within a figure. When using the 'flow' option, the grid size becomes dynamic and updates as axes are added or as the figure size changes. These features were introduced in R2019b and if you're still stuck on using subplot, you're missing out on several other great features of tiledlayout.
Starting in MATLAB R2022b you can define a callback function that responds to changes to the grid size in flow arrangements by setting the new gridSizeChangedFcn.
Use case
I often use a global legend to represent data across all axes within a figure. When the figure is tall and narrow, I want the legend to be horizontally oriented at the bottom of the figure but when the figure is short and wide, I prefer a vertically oriented legend on the right of the figure. By using the gridSizeChangedFcn, now I can update the legend location and orientation when the grid size changes.
gridSizeChangeFcn works like all other graphics callback functions. In this demo, I've named the gridSizeChangedFcn "updateLegendLayout", assigned by an anonymous function. The first input is the TiledChartLayout object and the second input is the event object that indicates the old and new grid sizes. The legend handle is also passed into the function. Since all of the tiles contain the same groups of data, the legend is based on data in the last tile.
As long as the legend is valid, the gridSizeChangedFcn updates the location and orientation of the legend so that when the grid is tall, the legend will be horizontal at the bottom of the figure and when the grid is wide, the legend will be vertical at the right of the figure.
Since the new grid size is available as a property in the TiledChartLayout object, I chose not to use the event argument. This way I can directly call the callback function at the end to update the legend without having to create an event.
Run this example from an m-file. Then change the width or height of the figure to demonstrate the legend adjustments.
% Prepare data
data1 = sort(randn(6))*10;
data2 = sort(randn(6))*10;
labels = ["A","B","C","D","E","F"];
groupLabels = categorical(["Control", "Test"]);
% Generate figure
fig = figure;
tcl = tiledlayout(fig, "flow", TileSpacing="compact", Padding="compact");
nTiles = height(data1);
h = gobjects(1,nTiles);
for i = 1:nTiles
ax = nexttile(tcl);
groupedData = [data1(i,:); data2(i,:)];
h = bar(ax,groupLabels, groupedData, "grouped");
title(ax,"condition " + i)
title(tcl,"GridSizeChangedFcn Demo")
legh = legend(h, labels);
% Define and call the GridSizeChangeFcn
tcl.GridSizeChangedFcn = @(tclObj,event)updateLegendLayout(tclObj,event,legh);
% Manually resize the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the figure
function updateLegendLayout(tclObj,~,legh)
% Evoked when the TiledChartLayout grid size changes in flow arrangements.
% tclObj - TiledChartLayout object
% event - (unused in this demo) contains old and new grid size
% legh - legend handle
if isgraphics(legh,'legend')
if tclObj.GridSize(1) > tclObj.GridSize(2)
legh.Layout.Tile = "south";
legh.Orientation = "horizontal";
legh.Layout.Tile = "east";
legh.Orientation = "vertical";
Give it a shot in MATLAB R2022b
  • Replace the legend with a colorbar to update the location and orientation of the colorbar.
  • Define a GridSizeChangedFcn within the loop so that it is called every time a tile is added.
  • Create a figure with many tiles (~20) and dynamically set a color to each row of axes.
  • Assign xlabels only to the bottom row of tiles and ylabels to only the left column of tiles.
Learn about other new features
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Starting in MATLAB R2022a, use the append option in exportgraphics to create GIF files from animated axes, figures, or other visualizations.

This basic template contains just two steps:

% 1. Create the initial image file
gifFile = 'myAnimation.gif';
exportgraphics(obj, gifFile);
% 2. Within a loop, append the gif image
for i = 1:20
      %   %   %   %   %   %    % 
      % Update the figure/axes %
      %   %   %   %   %   %    % 
      exportgraphics(obj, gifFile, Append=true);

Note, exportgraphics will not capture UI components such as buttons and knobs and requires constant axis limits.

To create animations of images or more elaborate graphics, learn how to use imwrite to create animated GIFs .

Share your MATLAB animated GIFs in the comments below!

See Also

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You've spent hours designing the perfect figure and now it's time to add it to a presentation or publication but the font sizes in the figure are too small to see for the people in the back of the room or too large for the figure space in the publication. You've got titles, subtitles, axis labels, legends, text objects, and other labels but their handles are inaccessible or scattered between several blocks of code. Making your figure readable no longer requires digging through your code and setting each text object's font size manually.

Starting in MATLAB R2022a, you have full control over a figure's font sizes and font units using the new fontsize function (see release notes ).

Use fontsize() to

  • Set FontSize and FontUnits properties for all text within specified graphics objects
  • Incrementally increase or decrease font sizes
  • Specify a scaling factor to maintain relative font sizes
  • Reset font sizes and font units to their default values . Note that the default font size and units may not be the same as the font sizes/units set directly with your code.

When specifying an object handle or an array of object handles, fontsize affects the font sizes and font units of text within all nested objects.

While you're at it, also check out the new fontname function that allows you to change the font name of objects in a figure!

Give the new fontsize function a test drive using the following demo figure in MATLAB R2022a or later and try the following commands:

% Increase all font sizes within the figure by a factor of 1.5
fontsize(fig, scale=1.5)
% Set all font sizes in the uipanel to 16
fontsize(uip, 16, "pixels")
% Incrementally increase the font sizes of the left two axes (x1.1)
% and incrementally decrease the font size of the legend (x0.9)
fontsize([ax1, ax2], "increase")
fontsize(leg, "decrease")
% Reset the font sizes within the entire figure to default values
fontsize(fig, "default")
% Create fake behavioral data
fy = @(a,x)a*exp(-(((x-8).^2)/(2*3.^2)));
x = 1 : 0.5 : 20;
y = fy(32,x);
ynoise = y+8*rand(size(y))-4;
selectedTrial = 13;
% Plot behavioral data
fig = figure('Units','normalized','Position',[0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5]);
movegui(fig, 'center')
tcl = tiledlayout(fig,2,2); 
ax1 = nexttile(tcl); 
h1 = plot(ax1, x, ynoise, 'bo', 'DisplayName', 'Response');
h2 = plot(ax1, x, y, 'r-', 'DisplayName', 'Expected');
grid(ax1, 'on')
title(ax1, 'Behavioral Results')
subtitle(ax1, sprintf('Trial %d', selectedTrial))
xlabel(ax1, 'Time (seconds)','Interpreter','Latex')
ylabel(ax1, 'Responds ($\frac{deg}{sec}$)','Interpreter','Latex')
leg = legend([h1,h2]);
% Plot behavioral error
ax2 = nexttile(tcl,3);
behavioralError = ynoise-y; 
stem(ax2, x, behavioralError)
yline(ax2, mean(behavioralError), 'r--', 'Mean', ...
grid(ax2, 'on')
title(ax2, 'Behavioral Error')
subtitle(ax2, ax1.Subtitle.String)
xlabel(ax2, ax1.XLabel.String,'Interpreter','Latex')
ylabel(ax2, 'Response - Expected ($\frac{deg}{sec}$)','Interpreter','Latex')
% Simulate spike train data
ntrials = 25; 
nSamplesPerSecond = 3; 
nSeconds = max(x) - min(x); 
nSamples = ceil(nSeconds*nSamplesPerSecond);
xTime = linspace(min(x),max(x), nSamples);
spiketrain = round(fy(1, xTime)+(rand(ntrials,nSamples)-.5));
[trial, sample] = find(spiketrain);
time = xTime(sample);
% Spike raster plot
axTemp = nexttile(tcl, 2, [2,1]);
uip = uipanel(fig, 'Units', axTemp.Units, ...
    'Position', axTemp.Position, ...
    'Title', 'Neural activity', ...
    'BackgroundColor', 'W');
tcl2 = tiledlayout(uip, 3, 1);
pax1 = nexttile(tcl2); 
plot(pax1, time, trial, 'b.', 'MarkerSize', 4)
yline(pax1, selectedTrial-0.5, 'r-', ...
    ['\leftarrow Trial ',num2str(selectedTrial)], ...
    'LabelHorizontalAlignment','right', ...
    'FontSize', 8); 
linkaxes([ax1, ax2, pax1], 'x')
pax1.YLimitMethod = 'tight';
title(pax1, 'Spike train')
xlabel(pax1, ax1.XLabel.String)
ylabel(pax1, 'Trial #')
% Show MRI
pax2 = nexttile(tcl2,2,[2,1]); 
[I, cmap] = imread('mri.tif');
hold(pax2, 'on')
th = 0:0.1:2*pi; 
plot(pax2, 7*sin(th)+84, 5*cos(th)+90, 'r-','LineWidth',2)
text(pax2, pax2.XLim(2), pax2.YLim(1), 'ML22a',...
    'FontWeight', 'bold', ...
    'Color','r', ...
    'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
    'HorizontalAlignment', 'right', ...
    'BackgroundColor',[1 0.95 0.95])
title(pax2, 'Area of activation')
% Overall figure title
title(tcl, 'Single trial responses')

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