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Choose Function to Visualize Detected Objects

Computer Vision Toolbox™ offers several functions to visualize detected objects by inserting or overlaying shapes on image, video, and point cloud data.

The insert-related functions draw shapes and text by fusing them with image and video data. The showShape function uses MATLAB® graphics to overlay shapes and text on top of image, video, and point cloud data and is rendered in a MATLAB axes.

This table compares the visualization functions on the basis of their support for image, video, and point cloud data.

FunctionImagesVideoPoint CloudsCode GenerationExample

Collection of vegetables with a yellow circle outline inserted and a green filled polygon.

Insert Shapes on Image

insertTextYesYes NoYes

Circuit board with inserted text labeling Confidences

Insert Text on Image


Two coins outlined with circles and labels 5 and 10

Annotate an Image


Highway lanes marked with circled X's.

Insert Markers on Image


Group of people waiting by elevators, each with a different color pixel-filled mask outlining their form.

Insert Multicolor Masks on Image


Group of people, with keypoints and body pose skeleton inserted on them.

Insert Object Keypoints and Connections


Point cloud image of teapot enclosed in a cuboid.

Show Cuboid on Detected Object in Point Cloud

plot object function of the cylinderModelNoNoYesNo

Point cloud depicting objects with a cylinder rendered around cylinder shape

Fit Cylinder Shape on Point Cloud

plot object function of the sphereModelNoNoYesNo

Point cloud depicting objects with a sphere rendered on sphere shape

Detect Sphere in Point Cloud

plot object function of the planeModelNoNoYesNo

Point cloud depicting objects with a plane rendered on the plane shapes

Fit Plane Shape on Point Cloud

plot (Lidar Toolbox) object function of the cuboidModel (Lidar Toolbox) object.NoNoYesNo

Point cloud depicting a car enclosed within a cuboid shape

Fit Cuboid Over Point Cloud Data (Lidar Toolbox)

See Also



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