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Choose Path Planning Algorithms for Navigation

The Navigation Toolbox™ provides multiple path or motion planners to generate a sequence of valid configurations that move an object from a start to an end goal. The toolbox supports both global and local planners. Global planners typically require a map and define the overall state space. Local planners typically take a globally planned path and adjust the path based on obstacles in the environment. Planners check for collisions with the environment, connect and propagate states, and use cost functions for optimality. The table below details the key differences between the different planners and when to use a certain one.

PlannerType and ScopeCollision CheckingState Connection and PropagationBenefitsUsed For
Graph-Based A* — plannerAStar

Type: Graph search

Scope: Global path planner

During graph construction

Connection: Graph links

Propagation: Not applicable

  • Customizable cost and heuristics

  • Create custom graphs using navGraph

  • Adaptable to any number of dimensions

  • Route planner for HD maps

Manipulators and omnidrive robots, where distinct states can be formulated as a graph.
Grid-Based A* — plannerAStarGridGlobal path plannerOccupancy map (binaryOccupancyMap or occupancyMap)

Connection: XY linear motion primitives

Propagation: Not supported

  • Customizable cost and heuristics

  • Optimality if heuristics are consistent and admissible

Omnidrive robots
Hybrid A* — plannerHybridAStarGlobal path plannerOccupancy map (validatorOccupancyMap or validatorVehicleCostmap)

Connection: Reeds-Shepp motion primitive

Propagation: Circular arc motion primitive

  • Differential constraints for state propagation

Nonholonomic vehicles with a minimum turning radius

Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) — plannerRRTGlobal path plannerGeneral state validator

Connection: General state space

Propagation: Not supported

  • Customizable

Manipulators, omnidrive robots, vehicles with a minimum turning radius
RRT* — plannerRRTStarGlobal path plannerGeneral state validator

Connection: General state space

Propagation: Not supported

  • Customizable

  • Asymptotically optimal

Manipulators, omnidrive robots, vehicles with a minimum turning radius
Bidirectional RRT — plannerBiRRTGlobal path plannerGeneral state validator

Connection: General state space

Propagation: Not supported

  • Customizable

Manipulators, omnidrive robots, vehicles with a minimum turning radius
Control-Based RRT — plannerControlRRT

Type: Control based planner

Scope: Global path planner

Occupancy map (binaryOccupancyMap, occupancyMap, or vehicleCostmap (Automated Driving Toolbox))

Connection: General State Space

Propagation: General State Propagator

  • Returns a sequence of states, controls, and references that comprise a kinematically or dynamically feasible path

  • Useful in complex maneuvers for complex vehicles, such as reversing into a narrow space for a truck-trailer

Manipulators, omnidrive robots, vehicles with a minimum turning radius
Frenet Trajectory — trajectoryOptimalFrenetLocal trajectory generatorGeneral state validator

Connection: Quintic polynomials or clothoids

Propagation: Not applicable

  • Customizable collision checking

  • Self-defined optimality

Ackermann type vehicles for highway driving
Frenet Trajectory — trajectoryGeneratorFrenetLocal trajectory generatorGeneral state validator

Connection: Quintic polynomials or clothoids

Propagation: Not applicable

  • Customizable collision checking

  • Custom defined optimality

Ackermann type vehicles for highway driving

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