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모델 기반 PID 제어기 조정

Simulink®에서 PID 이득을 대화형 방식으로 조정

Simulink Control Design™의 PID 조정 툴을 사용하면 연속 또는 이산 PID Controller 블록 또는 PID Controller (2DOF) Simulink 블록을 포함하는 단일 루프 제어 시스템을 조정할 수 있습니다. 응용 분야에 가장 적합한 PID 조정 툴을 결정하려면 Choose a Control Design Approach 항목을 참조하십시오.

그래픽 툴

PID 조정기PID 제어기 조정


PID ControllerContinuous-time or discrete-time PID controller
PID Controller (2DOF)Continuous-time or discrete-time two-degree-of-freedom PID controller
Discrete PID ControllerDiscrete-time or continuous-time PID controller
Discrete PID Controller (2DOF)Discrete-time or continuous-time two-degree-of-freedom PID controller

Control Design Onramp with Simulink대화형 방식의 무료 자기 주도형 Simulink Control Design 교육과정 (R2020b 이후)

도움말 항목

PID 조정 기본 사항

대체 플랜트 모델

이득 스케줄링이 적용된 PID 제어

2자유도 PID 제어기

문제 해결

Plant Cannot Be Linearized or Linearizes to Zero

Some Simulink blocks, such as those with sharp discontinuities, can produce poor linearization results. For example, when your model operates in a region away from the point of discontinuity, the linearization of the block is zero.

Cannot Find a Good Design in PID Tuner

If you cannot find a good design using PID Tuner, try a different PID controller type. If no PID controller is satisfactory, consider designing a more complex controller.

Simulated Response Does Not Match PID Tuner Response

When you run your Simulink model using the PID gains computed by PID Tuner, the simulation output can differ from the PID Tuner response plot.

Cannot Find Acceptable PID Design in Simulated Model

When you run your Simulink model using the PID gains computed by PID Tuner, the simulation output may not meet your design requirements.

Controller Performance Deteriorates When Switching Time Domains

If controller performance deteriorates when you discretize a tuned continuous-time PID controller, consider tuning a discrete-time controller directly.

When Tuning the PID Controller, the D Gain Has a Different Sign from the I Gain

When you use PID Tuner to design a controller, the resulting derivative gain can have a different sign from the integral gain. PID Tuner always returns a stable controller, even if one or more gains are negative.