모델 유형 및 기타 변환
idfrd | Frequency response data or model |
idpoly | Polynomial model with identifiable parameters |
idtf | Transfer function model with identifiable parameters |
idss | State-space model with identifiable parameters |
compreal | Compute companion state-space realization (R2023b 이후) |
modalreal | Compute modal state-space realization (R2023b 이후) |
noisecnv | Transform identified linear model with noise channels to model with measured channels only |
translatecov | Translate parameter covariance across model transformation operations |
merge | Merge estimated models |
append | Group models by appending their inputs and outputs |
noise2meas | Noise component of linear identified model |
absorbDelay | Replace time delays by poles at z = 0 or phase shift |
chgTimeUnit | Change time units of dynamic system |
chgFreqUnit | Change frequency units of frequency-response data model |
fdel | Delete specified data from frequency response data (FRD) models |
stack | Build model array by stacking models or model arrays along array dimensions |
ss2ss | 상태공간 모델의 상태 좌표 변환 |
예제 및 방법
- Transforming Between Linear Model Representations
Converting between state-space, polynomial, and frequency-response representations.
- Reducing Model Order Using Pole-Zero Plots
You can use pole-zero plots of linear identified models to evaluate whether it might be useful to reduce model order.
- Create and Plot Identified Models Using Control System Toolbox Software
Identify models and use the Linear System Analyzer to plot the models.
- Using Identified Models for Control Design Applications
Using System Identification Toolbox™ models with Control System Toolbox™ software.
- Subreferencing Models
Creating models with subsets of inputs and outputs from multivariable models at the command line.
- 상태공간 실현
상태공간 모델은 무한히 많은 실현으로 표현할 수 있습니다. 일반형(표준형이라고도 함)에는 모드형, 동반형, 관측 가능형 및 제어 가능형이 포함됩니다.
- Concatenating Models
Horizontal and vertical concatenation of model objects at the command line.
- Merging Models
How to merge models to obtain a single model with parameters that are statistically weighed means of the parameters of the individual models.
- Treating Noise Channels as Measured Inputs
Convert noise channels to measured channels and include the variance of the innovations.