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필터 설계

FIR 및 IIR 필터의 설계와 분석

DSP System Toolbox™ 함수, 앱, 블록을 사용하여 다양한 디지털 FIR 및 IIR 필터를 설계하고 분석할 수 있습니다. 이러한 필터 중 일부에는 나이퀴스트 필터, 반대역 필터, CIC 필터, 고급 등리플 필터, 준선형 위상 IIR 필터와 같은 고급 필터가 포함됩니다.

설계 기법은 필터 설계 사양을 기반으로 하여 필터 계수를 구합니다. Bandpass IIR Filter DesignBandstop IIR Filter Design과 같은 특정 블록에는 조정 가능형 필터 사양이 있어 시뮬레이션이 실행되는 동안 필터의 사양을 변경하고 다시 설계할 수 있습니다.

필터 작성기Design filters starting with frequency and magnitude specifications (filterBuilder)

라이브 편집기 작업

필터 설계Design a digital filter or implement a System object in the Live Editor (R2021b 이후)


모두 확장

filterDesigner필터 디자이너 앱 열기
filterBuilderInteractive filter design
filterAnalyzerAnalyze filters with Filter Analyzer app (R2024a 이후)
designfiltDesign a digital filter or implement a System object
butter버터워스 IIR 디지털 필터 설계
cheby1사양 객체를 사용한 체비쇼프 유형 I 필터
cheby2사양 객체를 사용한 체비쇼프 유형 II 필터
designApply design method to filter specification object
designmethodsMethods available for designing filter from specification object
designoptionsShow all options available for specified design
designoptsValid input arguments and values for specification object and method
ellip사양 객체를 사용한 타원 필터
equirippleEquiripple single-rate FIR filter from specification object
freqsampReal or complex frequency-sampled FIR filter from specification object
helpHelp for design method with filter specification
setspecsSpecifications for filter specification object
validstructuresStructures for specification object with design method
fdesignFilter design specification object
fdesign.bandpassBandpass filter design specification object
fdesign.bandstopBandstop filter design specification object
fdesign.highpassHighpass filter specification object
fdesign.lowpassLowpass filter specification
fdesign.decimatorDecimator filter specification object
fdesign.interpolatorInterpolator filter specification
fdesign.rsrcRational-factor sample-rate converter specification
fdesign.arbgrpdelayArbitrary group delay filter specification object
fdesign.arbmagArbitrary response magnitude filter specification object
fdesign.arbmagnphaseArbitrary response magnitude and phase filter specification object
fdesign.ciccompCIC compensator filter specification object
fdesign.combIIR comb filter specification object
fdesign.differentiatorDifferentiator filter specification object
fdesign.fracdelayFractional delay filter specification object
fdesign.halfbandHalfband filter specification object
fdesign.hilbertHilbert filter specification object
fdesign.isinchpInverse sinc highpass filter specification
fdesign.isinclpInverse sinc lowpass filter specification
fdesign.notchNotch filter specification
fdesign.nyquistNyquist filter specification
fdesign.peakPeak filter specification
fdesign.polysrcConstruct polynomial sample-rate converter (POLYSRC) filter designer
designLowpassFIRDesign and implement lowpass FIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designHighpassFIRDesign and implement highpass FIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designBandpassFIRDesign and implement bandpass FIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designBandstopFIRDesign and implement bandstop FIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designHalfbandFIRDesign and implement halfband FIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designMultirateFIRDesign and implement antialiasing and anti-imaging lowpass FIR filter
designMultistageDecimatorMultistage decimator design
designMultistageInterpolatorMultistage interpolator design
designRateConverterDesign multistage bandlimited sample rate converter System object (R2024b 이후)
designFracDelayFIRDesign and implement band-limited fractional delay FIR filter (R2021a 이후)
fircbandConstrained-band equiripple FIR filter
firceqripConstrained equiripple FIR filter
fireqintEquiripple FIR interpolators
firgrParks-McClellan FIR filter
firlpnormLeast P-norm optimal FIR filter
firlsLeast-square linear-phase FIR filter design
firminphaseMinimum-phase FIR spectral factor
firnyquistLowpass Nyquist (Lth-band) FIR filter
firpr2chfbTwo-channel FIR filter bank for perfect reconstruction
ifirInterpolated FIR filter design
normalizefreqSwitch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency
designLowpassIIRDesign and implement lowpass IIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designHighpassIIRDesign and implement highpass IIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designBandpassIIRDesign and implement bandpass IIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designBandstopIIRDesign and implement bandstop IIR filter (R2023b 이후)
designHalfbandIIRDesign and implement halfband IIR filter in the form of a coupled allpass filter (R2023b 이후)
designNotchPeakIIRDesign and implement high-order Butterworth notch or peak IIR filter (R2023b 이후)
ca2tfConvert coupled allpass filter to transfer function form
cl2tfConvert coupled allpass lattice to transfer function form
iircombIIR comb notch or peak filter
iirgrpdelayOptimal IIR filter with prescribed group-delay
iirlpnormLeast P-norm optimal IIR filter
iirlpnormcConstrained least Pth-norm optimal IIR filter
normalizefreqSwitch filter specification between normalized frequency and absolute frequency


모두 확장

dsp.DifferentiatorDirect form FIR fullband differentiator filter
dsp.HampelFilterFilter outliers using Hampel identifier
dsp.HighpassFilterFIR or IIR highpass filter
dsp.LowpassFilterFIR or IIR lowpass filter
dsp.MedianFilterMedian filter
dsp.NotchPeakFilterSecond-order tunable notching and peaking IIR filter
dsp.VariableBandwidthFIRFilterVariable bandwidth FIR filter
dsp.VariableBandwidthIIRFilterVariable bandwidth IIR filter
dsp.CICCompensationDecimatorCompensate for CIC decimation filter using FIR decimator
dsp.CICCompensationInterpolatorCompensate for CIC interpolation filter using FIR interpolator
dsp.FIRHalfbandDecimatorDecimate signal using polyphase FIR halfband filter
dsp.FIRHalfbandInterpolatorInterpolate signal using polyphase FIR halfband filter
dsp.IIRHalfbandDecimatorDecimate by factor of two using polyphase IIR
dsp.IIRHalfbandInterpolatorInterpolate by a factor of two using polyphase IIR


모두 확장

Analog Filter DesignDesign and implement analog filters
Digital Filter DesignDesign and implement digital FIR and IIR filters
Filter Realization Wizard(To be removed) Construct filter realizations using digital filter blocks or Sum, Gain, and Delay blocks
Lowpass FIR Filter DesignDesign lowpass FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 이후)
Lowpass IIR Filter DesignDesign lowpass IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 이후)
Highpass FIR Filter DesignDesign highpass FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 이후)
Highpass IIR Filter DesignDesign highpass IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 이후)
Bandpass FIR Filter DesignDesign bandpass FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 이후)
Bandpass IIR Filter DesignDesign bandpass IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023a 이후)
Bandstop FIR Filter DesignDesign bandstop FIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023b 이후)
Bandstop IIR Filter DesignDesign bandstop IIR filter with tunable filter specifications (R2023a 이후)
Differentiator FilterDirect form FIR fullband differentiator filter
Hampel FilterFilter outliers using Hampel identifier
Highpass FilterDesign FIR or IIR highpass filter
Lowpass FilterDesign FIR or IIR lowpass filter
Median FilterMedian filter
Notch-Peak FilterDesign second-order tunable notching and peaking IIR filter
Variable Bandwidth FIR FilterDesign tunable bandwidth FIR filter
Variable Bandwidth IIR FilterDesign tunable bandwidth IIR filter

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