Implement Load Models for Heavy Equipment with Simscape
Model implement loads on heavy equipment with Simscape™. Test inertial loads in buckets. Grab, lift, and place objects using grapples. Combine with DEM software for realistic soil loads.
Published: 15 May 2024
Simscape helps you design heavy equipment. In this video, we're going to see how to model loads on the implements. Heavy equipment encounters all kinds of loads. This includes grabbing, lifting, dropping, plowing, digging, and many more.
Simscape provides many methods of modeling loads on different implements. Among the simplest option is to simply use a variable mass block. This mass can vary based on time, bucket angle, or any other variable you'd like.
For implements that grab, you can use contact forces. Import the geometry, extract the point cloud, and use that to model contact with different loads. More detailed loads can be modeled by cosimulating with other software. Cosimulation with discrete element modeling software lets you model realistic soil loads. You can download the model we have provided and apply realistic loads to your own design.