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Adam Danz
Adam Danz
최근 활동: 2024년 12월 20일 15:43

Check out this 3D chart that won Visual Of The Year for 2024 by Visual Capitalist. It's a mashup between a 3D bubblechart and a categorical bar plot yet the only graphical components are the x-axis labels and the legend. Not only does it show relative proportions of material in a laptop but it also shows what the raw material looks like.
I love the idea of analog data visualization. I wonder if any readers have made a analog "chart".
Are you a Simulink user eager to learn how to create apps with App Designer? Or an App Designer enthusiast looking to dive into Simulink?
Don't miss today's article on the Graphics and App Building Blog by @Robert Philbrick! Discover how to build Simulink Apps with App Designer, streamlining control of your simulations!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz
최근 활동: 2024년 12월 26일 13:24

Adam Danz
Adam Danz
최근 활동: 2023년 10월 13일

Over the weekend I came across a pi approximation using durations of years and weeks (image below, Wolfram, eq. 89), accurate to 6 digits using the average Gregorian year (365.2425 days).
Here it is in MATLAB. I divided by 1 week at the end rather than multiplying by its reciprocal because you can’t divide a numeric by a duration in MATLAB (1/week).
weeks = @(n)n*days(7);
piApprox = ((years(13)-weeks(6))/years(13) + weeks(3)) / weeks(1)
% piApprox = 3.141593493469302
Here’s a breakdown
  • The first argument becomes 12.885 yrs / 13 yrs or 0.99115
  • Add three weeks: 0.99115 + 3 weeks = 21.991 days
  • The reduced fraction becomes 21.991 days / 7 days
Now it looks a lot closer to the more familiar approximation for pi 22/7 but with greater precision!
Adam Danz
Adam Danz
최근 활동: 2024년 3월 6일

I'm curious how the community uses the hold command when creating charts and graphics in MATLAB. In short, hold on sets up the axes to add new objects to the axes while hold off sets up the axes to reset when new objects are added.
When you use hold on do you always follow up with hold off? What's your reasoning on this decision?
Can't wait to discuss this here! I'd love to hear from newbies and experts alike!