Open figure and work on that figure

조회 수: 107 (최근 30일)
Shan  Chu
Shan Chu 2018년 9월 29일
답변: Umeshraja 2025년 1월 3일 6:57
Dear all,
I would like to ask it is a way to work on a saved figure. For example, add more line plots and also change the axes. I have been trying but didn't succeed.
Here is the code that I made:
hold on
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = [0 0.01 0.03 0.05]
  댓글 수: 4
Rik 2018년 10월 1일
You will notice that the call to figure is not needed, as openfig already opens a new figure window for the loaded figure.
Adam 2018년 10월 1일
You should use the
fig = openfig(...)
syntax too to get an explicit handle for your figure. Relying on your desired figure always being the one in focus can lead to some unexpected bugs.
Working with explicit handles is always better. Obviously in this case that is limited - I assume your figure only contains one axes, otherwise I have no idea which axes in the figure would be regarded as the current one, but if you do only have one axes:
hFig = openfig( ... );
hAxes = hFig.CurrentAxes;
will give you your explicit axes handle to work with as well as the figure handle, if required.

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답변 (1개)

Umeshraja 2025년 1월 3일 6:57
To summarize the discussion in the comments: When modifying a saved MATLAB figure by adding plots and changing axes properties, it's important to explicitly create a handle for your figure. There's no need to call figure beforehand, as openfig already opens a new figure window for the loaded figure.
Below is an example demonstrating how to create a figure, save it, and later modify its axes properties and add a new plot:
% Part 1: Create and save initial figure
x = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
y1 = sin(x);
% Create initial figure
fig1 = figure('Name', 'My Plot');
plot(x, y1, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
title('Initial Plot');
grid on;
savefig(fig1, 'x.fig');
% Part 2: Load and modify the saved figure
% Open the saved figure and get handles
hFig = openfig('x.fig');
hAxes = hFig.CurrentAxes;
y2 = cos(x);
hold(hAxes, 'on');
plot(hAxes, x, y2, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
% Modify axes properties
hAxes.XTick = 0:pi/2:2*pi;
hAxes.XTickLabel = {'0', '\pi/2', '\pi', '3\pi/2', '2\pi'};
hAxes.YLim = [-1.5 1.5];
legend(hAxes, 'sin(x)', 'cos(x)');
% Save the modified figure if needed
savefig(hFig, 'x_modified.fig');
Note: Working with explicit handles prevents common issues like plotting to wrong axes or losing track of active figures


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