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Hi @Nathan, To prevent your real name from displaying in MATLAB, you can change your username, which is what's actually shown. ...

대략 20시간 전 | 0

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BPSK bpsk in awgn not matching theoretical results
Hi @Russell Geschrey I understand that you are looking to generate the Bit Error Rate (BER) curve for Binary Phase Shift Keying...

대략 21시간 전 | 0

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giving inline latex same baseline as text
Hi @Chuck, I understand you are encountering an alignment issue when publishing inline comments containing expressions like (e^...

2일 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to calculate Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) by using matlab code from csv file
Hi @Hoang Le, To calculate the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of a sinusoidal current waveform from your CSV file, you can use...

3일 전 | 0

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Code generation does not support display for handle classes. 'comm.HDLRSEncoder' is a handle class.
Hi @Maryem Hamdi, I understand that you encountered an issue while attempting to generate code for the 'comm.HDLRSEncoder' clas...

3일 전 | 0

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when dowmloading rtl-sdr hardware support package
Hi @hunterr, Some USB 3 ports do not recognize the RTL-SDR radio correctly and can result in a connection error. This is a know...

5일 전 | 0

답변 있음
how to solve this error? Objective function is returning undefined values at initial point. FSOLVE cannot continue.
Hi @汶俊, The objective function supplied to 'fsolve' must return a vector without any Inf or NaN entries. Please refer to the f...

2개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Open figure and work on that figure
Hello, To summarize the discussion in the comments: When modifying a saved MATLAB figure by adding plots and changing axes prop...

2개월 전 | 1

답변 있음
How can I add noise to AC Voltage Source which is 220V AC, 50Hz (mono phase line).
Hi @Bahadir, I understand you wanted to add noise in the AC Voltage Source. You can use Voltage Source block instead of AC Volt...

2개월 전 | 0

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Esprit Algorithm for DOA estimaton
Hi Roxana, Please refer to the following documentation on ESPIRIT Estimator

2개월 전 | 0

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extractHTMLText extracts only a part of a web page text
Hi @Sim, I understand you wanted to extract entire text from the HTML page. To achieve this, you could set the 'ex' argument ...

3개월 전 | 1

| 수락됨

답변 있음
UAV toolobx and UGV
Hi @Rosario, The UAV Toolbox is primarily intended for designing, simulating, testing, and deploying applications related to dr...

4개월 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
How to plot this kind of figure?
Hi @Gaétan Andriano, I understand that you're looking to illustrate wavelets between two lines that pass through the origin. Th...

4개월 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
My enemy randomly paths away from player in maze-solving game
Hi @John, I assume that the enemy always take the shortest path and takes moves only one step at a time. The core issue lies in...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Combines all the measurements into a single matrix
Hi @Nadia I understand you're looking to combine your measurements into a single matrix. Assuming your input files are text fil...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
WLAN Abstracted PHY Simulink Model
Hi @Erkin Amz, I understand you wanted to change some MAC parameters in 'WLANMultiNodeAbstractedPHYModel' simulink example. Her...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Free Space Optical communication channel model
Hi @Ekata Niraula, As per MATLAB R2024b documentation, there are no built-in function to model Gamma-Gamma(GG) channel. The GG ...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to open the example in documentation "Architectural 112G PAM4 ADC-Based SerDes Model"?
Hi @sheng chen, To open the documentation example, click "Copy Command" to get the command used to open the example, as shown b...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Performance of BCH code over AWGN channel
Hi @Muntader Saeed, To get you started on your project, I recommend checking out the following resource to understand Bit Error...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Simulation of M/G/1 queue model, where M stands for Markovian, G stands for General distribution, and there is a single server
Hi @sidra, You can model a queuing system using SimEvents® , which is particularly useful for simulating discrete-event systems...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Increasing number of nodes in OFDMA
Hi @Jagrati Kulshrestha, The error you're encountering typically arises when the MCS is set too high. Try reducing the MCS to l...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Does the IEEE® 802.11a WLAN Physical Layer communication toolbox example have additional documentation?
Hi @Court, According to the MATLAB R2015b documentation, there is only one example that discusses the IEEE 802.11a WLAN Physica...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I use AWGN Channel Block to specify a SNR respect my signal power?
Hi @Javier Cuadros, I understand you wanted to find Input Signal Power of the IEEE802.11p Waveform. It's important to note that...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Change data rates in IEEE® 802.11a WLAN Physical Layer simulink model
Hi @Atreyam Sharma To modify the data rates from 802.11a to 802.11p standards, we need to understand how data rates are calcu...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
I would like to know in which paper the numeric parameters in the V2Vchannel.m file are referenced.
Hi @JUN YEON PARK I referenced the paper listed in the bibliography of the example and discovered this PPT presentation through...

4개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
ofdm subcarriers in matlab
Hi @amit barala, I understand you're looking to generate an OFDM signal using MATLAB. To get started, I recommend you to chec...

4개월 전 | 0

문제를 풀었습니다

Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

5개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Triangle Numbers
Triangle numbers are the sums of successive integers. So 6 is a triangle number because 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 which can be displayed ...

5개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Finding Perfect Squares
Given a vector of numbers, return true if one of the numbers is a square of one of the numbers. Otherwise return false. Example...

5개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Generate a vector like 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4
Generate a vector like 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 So if n = 3, then return [1 2 2 3 3 3] And if n = 5, then return [1 2 2 3 3 3 4...

5개월 전

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