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Stateflow 프로그래밍 인터페이스

MATLAB® 명령 프롬프트에서 차트 요소 생성 및 수정

프로그래밍 방식으로 Stateflow® 차트를 만들고 편집합니다. 새로운 객체를 차트에 추가하고, 속성에 액세스하여 편집하고, 위치를 설정하고, 객체를 복사하여 붙여넣고, Stateflow 편집기의 확대/축소 수준을 변경합니다.


모두 확장

sfnewCreate Simulink model that contains an empty Stateflow block
sfrootStateflow 계층 구조의 루트
sfclipboardClipboard object
sfgcoSelected objects in chart
Stateflow.findMatchingPortIdentify matching entry or exit port (R2021b 이후)


모두 확장

차트, 블록 및 머신 객체

Stateflow.ChartGraphical representation of a finite state machine
Stateflow.StateTransitionTableChartTabular representation of state machine for modal logic
Stateflow.TruthTableChartTabular representation of state machine for decision logic
Stateflow.EMChartStateflow interface to MATLAB Function block
Stateflow.MachineContainer for Stateflow blocks in a Simulink model

그래픽 객체

Stateflow.AnnotationAnnotation in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.AtomicBoxAtomic box in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.AtomicSubchartAtomic subchart in chart, state, or box
Stateflow.BoxBox in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.EMFunctionMATLAB function in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.FunctionGraphical function in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.JunctionConnective or history junction in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.PortEntry or exit port in state or atomic subchart (R2021b 이후)
Stateflow.SimulinkBasedStateSimulink based state in chart, state, or box
Stateflow.SLFunctionSimulink function in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.StateState in chart, state, or box
Stateflow.TransitionTransition in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.TruthTableTruth table function in chart, state, box, or function

비그래픽 객체

Stateflow.DataData in chart, state, box, or function
Stateflow.EventEvent in chart, state, or box
Stateflow.MessageMessage in chart, state, or box

클립보드 및 편집기 객체

Stateflow.ClipboardClipboard to copy and paste Stateflow objects
Stateflow.EditorGraphical aspects of a chart or state transition table

객체 함수

모두 확장

계층 구조 탐색하기

findIdentify specified objects in hierarchy
getChildrenIdentify children of object
getParent객체의 부모 식별
getReferencesIdentify references to symbol name
commentedByIdentify objects that implicitly comment out a graphical object
defaultTransitionsIdentify default transitions in specified object
innerTransitionsIdentify inner transitions with specified source
outerTransitionsIdentify outgoing transitions with specified source
sinkedTransitionsIdentify transitions with specified destination
sourcedTransitionsIdentify transitions with specified source

속성 액세스 및 수정하기

dialog속성 대화 상자 열기
exportAsStructExport contents of state transition table as structure array
renameReferencesRename symbol and update references to symbol name
setImageInsert image into annotation

디스플레이 제어하기

viewDisplay object in editing environment
highlight그래픽 객체 강조 표시
fitToView그래픽 객체 확대
zoomInZoom in on Stateflow chart
zoomOutZoom out on Stateflow chart

아토믹 서브차트와 Simulink 기반 상태에서의 기호 매핑하기

getMappingForSymbolGet mapping for symbol in atomic subchart, atomic box, or Simulink based state
setMappingForSymbolSet mapping for symbol in atomic subchart, atomic box, or Simulink based state
clearMappingForSymbolClear mapping for symbol in atomic subchart, atomic box, or Simulink based state
disableMappingForSymbolDisable input event in atomic subchart or box

객체 복사 및 붙여넣기

copyCopy array of objects to clipboard
pasteToPaste objects in clipboard to specified container object

차트 및 상태 천이 테이블 변환하기

convertToChartConvert state transition table to Stateflow chart
convertToSTTConvert Stateflow chart to state transition table

도움말 항목

추천 예제