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Environment and Clutter

Radar propagation, land and sea clutter, atmospheric models, attenuation due to gas, fog, rain and snow

Flat and curved Earth models with and without ITU atmospheric models. Lens effects losses. Radar propagation factor. Sea surface characterization with sea state and permittivity. Land surface characterization with vegetation type and permittivity. Polarization, grazing angle, and velocity-dependent sea and land clutter. ITU and Crane attenuation models due to rain. ITU attenuation model due to cloud and fog. Gunn-East snow model.


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atmosituUse ITU reference atmospheres (Since R2021a)
fsplFree space path loss
gasplRF signal attenuation due to atmosphere gaseous absorption (Since R2020b)
lensplCalculate loss due to tropospheric lens effect (Since R2021a)
radarpropfactorOne-way radar propagation factor (Since R2021a)
refractiveidxCalculates the refractive index (Since R2021a)
refractionexpCRPL exponential reference atmosphere refraction exponent (Since R2021b)
tropoplSlant-path loss due to atmosphere gaseous absorption (Since R2021a)
billingsleyicmBillingsley’s intrinsic clutter motion (ICM) model (Since R2021a)
clutterSurfaceRCSSurface clutter radar cross section (Since R2021a)
clutterSurfaceRangeDopplerRCSSurface RCS as a function of range and Doppler (Since R2022b)
clutterGeneratorAdd clutter generator for radar (Since R2022a)
customSurfaceAdd custom surface with complex scattering to a radar scenario (Since R2024a)
earthSurfacePermittivityPermittivity and conductivity of earth surface materials (Since R2020a)
landreflectivityReflectivity of land surface (Since R2021a)
landroughnessSurface height standard deviation for land (Since R2021a)
landSurfaceAdd land surface to radar scenario (Since R2022a)
seareflectivity Normalized sea surface reflectivity (Since R2021a)
searoughnessSurface height standard deviation for sea (Since R2021a)
seaSpectrumSea surface omnidirectional motion spectrum model (Since R2022a)
seaSurfaceAdd sea surface to radar scenario (Since R2022a)
surfacegammaGamma value for different terrains (Since R2021a)
surfaceReflectivityNormalized reflectivity of surface (Since R2022a)
surfaceReflectivityLandNormalized reflectivity of land surface (Since R2022a)
surfaceReflectivityCustomNormalized reflectivity of custom surface (Since R2022a)
surfaceReflectivitySeaNormalized reflectivity of sea surface (Since R2022a)
tiremplPath loss using Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model (TIREM)
clutterVolumeRCSRadar cross-section of volume clutter (Since R2021a)
surfclutterrcsSurface clutter radar cross section (RCS) (Since R2021a)
updateScatteringMatrixUpdate scattering matrices (Since R2024a)
ClutterGeneratorClutter generator object (Since R2022a)
CustomSurfaceCustom surface with complex scattering belonging to a radar scenario (Since R2024a)
getClutterGeneratorObtain clutter generator belonging to a radar (Since R2022a)
ringClutterRegionRing clutter region (Since R2022a)
findClutterSampleIndicesClutter sample indices (Since R2023b)
heightHeight of point on surface (Since R2022a)
occlusionTest for occlusion of point by a surface (Since R2022a)
plotReflectivityMapPlots reflectivity map (Since R2024a)
LandSurfaceLand surface belonging to radar scenario (Since R2022a)
SeaSurfaceSea surface belonging to radar scenario (Since R2022a)
SurfaceReflectionCoefficientReflection coefficient model for land and sea surfaces (Since R2024a)
reflectionCoefficientReturns the reflection coefficient (Since R2024a)
cranerainplRF signal attenuation due to rainfall using Crane model (Since R2020a)
fogplRF signal attenuation due to fog and clouds
rainplRF signal attenuation due to rainfall using ITU model
snowplPath loss due to wet snow (Since R2021a)
weatherTimeSeriesSimulate I/Q signals for weather returns using a Monte Carlo approach (Since R2024a)
depressionangDepression angle of surface target (Since R2021a)
effearthradiusEffective earth radius (Since R2021a)
grazingangGrazing angle of surface target (Since R2021a)
horizonrangeHorizon range (Since R2021a)
llarangeanglePropagation range between two geolocations (Since R2022b)
el2heightConvert target elevation angle to height (Since R2021a)
height2elConvert target height to elevation angle (Since R2021a)
height2rangeConvert target height to propagated range (Since R2021b)
height2grndrangeConvert target height to ground range (Since R2021b)
range2heightConvert propagated range to target height (Since R2021b)
slant2rangeConvert slant range to propagated range (Since R2022b)


  • Two-Ray Multipath Propagation

    A two-ray propagation channel is the next step up in complexity from a free-space channel and is the simplest case of a multipath propagation environment.

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