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Preview subset of data in datastore


data = preview(ds) returns a subset of data from datastore ds without changing its current position.



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Create a datastore from the sample file, airlinesmall_subset.csv, which contains tabular data.

ds = tabularTextDatastore("airlinesmall_subset.csv","TreatAsMissing","NA",...

Modify the SelectedVariableNames property to specify the variables of interest.

ds.SelectedVariableNames = ["DepTime","ArrTime","ActualElapsedTime"];

Preview the data for the selected variables.

data = preview(ds)
data=8×3 table
    DepTime    ArrTime    ActualElapsedTime
    _______    _______    _________________

     2117       2305             108       
     1252       1511              79       
     1441       1708              87       
     2258       2336              38       
     1814       1901              47       
     1822       1934              72       
      729        841              72       
     1704       1829              85       

Create a datastore from the sample file, mapredout.mat, which is the output file of the mapreduce function.

ds = datastore('mapredout.mat');

Preview the data in the datastore.

data = preview(ds)
data=1×2 table
     Key        Value  
    ______    _________

    {'AA'}    {[14930]}

Create a datastore that maintains parity between the pair of images of the underlying datastores. For instance, create two separate image datastores, and then create a combined datastore representing the two underlying datastores.

Create an image datastore imds1 representing a collection of three images.

imds1 = imageDatastore({'street1.jpg','street2.jpg','peppers.png'}); 

Create a second datastore imds2 by transforming the images of imds1 to grayscale and then reflecting the images horizontally.

imds2 = transform(imds1,@(x) fliplr(im2gray(x)));

Create a combined datastore from imds1 and imds2.

imdsCombined = combine(imds1,imds2);

Preview the data in the combined datastore. The output is a 1-by-2 cell array. The two columns represent the first subset of data from the two underlying datastores imds1 and imds2, respectively.

dataOut = preview(imdsCombined)
dataOut=1×2 cell array
    {480x640x3 uint8}    {480x640 uint8}

Display the previewed data as a pair of tiled images.

tile = imtile(dataOut);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Input datastore. You can use these datastores as input to the preview method.

Output Arguments

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Subset of data, returned as a table or an array depending on the type of ds.

Type of DatastoreData type of dataDescription
TabularTextDatastore and SpreadsheetDatastoreTableTable with variables specified by the SelectedVariableNames property. The table contains at most eight rows.
ImageDatastoreInteger array

Array of integers corresponding to the first image. The dimensions of the integer array depend on the type of image:

  • For grayscale images, data is m-by-n.

  • For truecolor images, data is m-by-n-by-3.

  • For CMYK Tiff images, data is m-by-n-by-4.

The preview function supports all image types supported by the imread function. For more information on the supported image types, see imread.

KeyValueDatastoreTableTable with the variables Key and Value.
FileDatastoreTableTable containing the output returned by the read function, specified by the 'ReadFcn' parameter in the fileDatastore function.
TransformedDatastoreVariesThe output is the same as the output returned by the underlying datastore specified by the UnderlyingDatastores property. For example, if the underlying datastore is an image datastore with a ReadSize property value of 1, then data is returned as an integer array.
CombinedDatastoreCell arrayEach element of the cell array contains the output returned by the corresponding underlying datastore specified by the UnderlyingDatastores property.
SequentialDatastoreVariesThe output is a small amount of data from the first nonempty underlying datastore. If all underlying datastores are empty, output is the empty type based on the first underlying datastore. If there are no underlying datastores, output is an empty double.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

See Also


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