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Read coordinate reference system data from LAS or LAZ file

Since R2022a


crs = readCRS(lasReader) reads the coordinate reference system data from the LAS or LAZ file indicated by the input lasFileReader object lasReader.

This function requires the Mapping Toolbox™.



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Create a lasFileReader object for a LAZ file. Then, use the readCRS function to read coordinate reference system (CRS) data from the LAZ file and generate a projcrs object.

Create a lasFileReader object to access the LAZ file data.

path = fullfile(toolboxdir("lidar"),"lidardata", ...
lasReader = lasFileReader(path);

Check if the LAZ file contains CRS data using the hasCRSData function. If it does, read the CRS data from the LAZ file using the readCRS function.

if hasCRSData(lasReader)
    crs = readCRS(lasReader);
    disp("No CRS data available.");
  projcrs with properties:

                    Name: "NAD83 / UTM zone 16N"
           GeographicCRS: [1x1 geocrs]
        ProjectionMethod: "Transverse Mercator"
              LengthUnit: "meter"
    ProjectionParameters: [1x1]

Input Arguments

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LAS or LAZ file reader, specified as a lasFileReader object.

Output Arguments

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Coordinate reference system (CRS), returned as one of these objects:

  • geocrs (Mapping Toolbox) — Returned by a file that contains geographic CRS data.

  • projcrs (Mapping Toolbox) — Returned by a file that contains projected CRS data.

Version History

Introduced in R2022a

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