MATLAB 코드에서 커널 생성
GPU Coder™는 MATLAB® 코드의 특정 알고리즘 구조와 패턴에 최적화된 CUDA 커널을 생성하고 실행합니다. 생성 코드는 cuFFT, cuSolver, cuBLAS, cuDNN, TensorRT를 포함하여 최적화된 NVIDIA® CUDA 라이브러리를 호출합니다. 생성 코드는 소스 코드, 정적 라이브러리 또는 동적 라이브러리로서 프로젝트에 통합할 수 있으며 데스크탑, 서버 및 NVIDIA Jetson, DRIVE를 비롯한 여러 플랫폼에 내장된 GPU에서 사용하도록 컴파일할 수 있습니다. GPU Coder를 사용하면 직접 작성한 CUDA 코드를 알고리즘과 생성 코드에 통합할 수 있습니다.
도움말 항목
- Kernels from Element-Wise Loops
Create kernels from MATLAB functions containing scalarized, element-wise math operations.
- Kernels from Scatter-Gather Type Operations
Create kernels from MATLAB functions containing reduction operations.
- Kernels from Library Calls
Target GPU optimized math libraries such as cuBLAS, cuSOLVER, cuFFT, and Thrust.
- Support for GPU Arrays
Generate CUDA code that uses GPU arrays.
- Use Dynamically Allocated C++ Arrays in Generated Function Interfaces
Understand and use dynamically allocated arrays from the generated CUDA C++ function interfaces.
- Call Custom CUDA Kernels from the Generated Code
Integrate custom CUDA kernels with MATLAB code intended for code generation.
- Call Custom CUDA Device Function from the Generated Code
Integrate custom GPU device functions with MATLAB code intended for code generation.
- Design Patterns
Create kernels for MATLAB functions containing computational design patterns.
- GPU Memory Allocation and Minimization
Memory allocation options and optimizations for GPU Coder.
- How Shared GPU Memory Manager Improves Performance of Generated MEX
GPU Coder creates a single universal memory manager that handles the memory management for all running CUDA MEX functions.
- What Is Half Precision?
Introduction to the half-precision data type in MATLAB and Simulink®.
- Half Precision Code Generation Support
C/C++ and GPU code generation support for functions that support half-precision inputs.