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Featured 2020 Proceedings
The MathWorks Automotive Conference Experience
Parking is free. MathWorks recommends parking in the Grande Ballroom lot. Please arrive through the Grande Ballroom entrance to sign in and pick up your name badge.
A limited number of rooms is available at the Mövenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport for a discounted rate. Reserve your room using the keyword "MAC."
Automated Driving
Sessions included:
- What’s New in MATLAB and Simulink for ADAS and Automated Driving
- Framework for Virtual and Physical Testing of Automated Driving Systems
- Develop Planning and Controls for Highway Lane Change Maneuvers
- Lane Change Assist Development with Simulink
- Toolchain Definition and Integration for ISO 26262-Compliant Development
- Model-Based Engineering for Cybersecurity: Preparing for UNECE Regulation and ISO/SAE-21434
AI In Engineering
Sessions included:
- Women in Technology Ignite
- Automated Verification of Automotive Infotainment
- Tackling Fleet Test Data with MATLAB
- Accelerating Deployment of Autonomous Delivery Robots Using Model-Based Design
- Advanced Capabilities for Embedding Machine Learning into ECUs
- Making MATLAB Data Analytics Accessible Across the Enterprise
Virtual Vehicle
Sessions included:
- Model-Based Agility with Ford Automated System Simulation Toolchain (FASST)
- Model-Based E-Drive Dimensioning
- Evolving Model-Based Engineering Environments to Manage Complexity and Scale
- Accelerated Development Using Rapid Control Prototyping
- Simulink for Virtual Vehicle Development
- AUTOSAR Software Architecture Modeling of Multicore Electric Powertrain Software
- Building a Virtual Vehicle for Fuel Economy, Performance, and Thermal Analysis
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또한 다음 목록에서 웹사이트를 선택하실 수도 있습니다.
사이트 성능 최적화 방법
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- América Latina (Español)
- Canada (English)
- United States (English)
- Belgium (English)
- Denmark (English)
- Deutschland (Deutsch)
- España (Español)
- Finland (English)
- France (Français)
- Ireland (English)
- Italia (Italiano)
- Luxembourg (English)
- Netherlands (English)
- Norway (English)
- Österreich (Deutsch)
- Portugal (English)
- Sweden (English)
- Switzerland
- United Kingdom (English)