Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction, 2e
Frederick A.A. Kingdom, McGill University;
Nick Prins, University of Mississippi
Academic Press, 2016
ISBN: 978-0124071568;
Language: English
Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction provides a unique introduction to the techniques used for researching and understanding how the brain translates the external physical world in relation to the internal world of sensation. This revision expands and refines coverage of the basic tools of psychophysics research and better integrates the theory with the supporting software.
The new edition continues to be the only book to combine, in a single volume, the principles underlying the science of psychophysical measurement and the practical tools necessary to analyze data from psychophysical experiments. The book, written in a tutorial style, will appeal to new researchers as well as to seasoned veterans. This introduction to psychophysics research methods will be of interest to students, scholars, and researchers within sensory neuroscience, vision research, behavioral neuroscience, and the cognitive sciences.
MATLAB is used to solve examples in the book.
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