Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: Methods and Exercises in MATLAB
Gautam B. Singh, Oakland University
Springer International Publishing, 2015
ISBN: 978-3-319-11403-3;
Language: English
Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in bioinformatics and computational biology, Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology develops bioinformatics concepts from the ground up, starting with an introductory chapter on molecular biology and genetics. The first part of the book also includes a survey of existing biological databases, tools that have become essential in today’s biotechnology research. The second part of the book covers methodologies for retrieving biological information, including fundamental algorithms for sequence comparison, scoring, and determining evolutionary distance.
The book offers comprehensive coverage of all the core topics of bioinformatics, and includes practical examples completed using MATLAB and Bioinformatics Toolbox.
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