Thermal Desktop, SINDA/FLUINT - Thermal/fluid simulation and design - Third-Party Products & Services - MATLAB & Simulink

Thermal Desktop, SINDA/FLUINT

Thermal/fluid simulation and design


  • Two-phase, multi-constituent thermohydraulics
  • Steady-state, transients, optimization, and statistical design
  • Thermal radiation
  • FEM, FDM, and lumped-parameter
  • Integration with CAD, structural, optics, aeroheating and thermal protection
  • User-defined parameters, control systems, correlations


SINDA/FLUINT solves thermal and thermodraulic problems posed as finite elements, finite differences/volumes, lumped-parameter networks, or all three mixed within a single model. The approach to the solution is customizable, as is the model itself using parametric methods and co-solved user logic and correlations. SINDA/FLUINT models can be built using either a 3D/CAD-based system (Thermal Desktop, with optional thermal radiation module RadCAD, and optional piping/flow module FloCAD).

Both Thermal Desktop and SINDA/FLUINT can be linked to MATLAB to perform cosimulations for both steady state solutions (with data and commands exchanged per iteration) and transient solutions (with data and commands exchanged per time step). MATLAB design space exploration modules (e.g., optimization and DOE) can also be used to drive underlying Thermal Desktop or SINDA/FLUINT solutions. Data exchange with MATLAB can be concise (e.g., control set points, PID parameters, pressures, flows), exploiting the parametric nature of both Thermal Desktop and SINDA/FLUINT. Or, data exchange can be large-scale and geometry-intensive (e.g., fluxes at a complex surface), exploiting the import and export mapping features in Thermal Desktop to accommodate different types of meshes used in other tools.


Southpointe 2600 Ansys Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
Tel: 844-462-6797

Required Products


  • Windows


  • Consulting
  • E-mail
  • Fax
  • On-site assistance
  • Telephone
  • Training

Product Type

  • Data Analysis Tools


  • Control Systems
  • Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Optics
  • System Modeling and Simulation
  • Thermodynamics


  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Automotive