Sentaurus Lithography
Predictive lithography process simulation in semiconductor device manufacturing
Simulation of the optical lithography process including 3D resist profile determination
Wafer topography modeling of complex process integration techniques such as double patterning
Lithography strategy pathfinding for future technology nodes by supporting EUV and e-beam lithography
Integration with mask synthesis tools to support manufacturing applications, reduce cost, and improve yield
Sentaurus Lithography from Synopsys provides advanced lithography simulation for semiconductor device manufacturing process development and optimization. It covers a range of applications in optical, immersion, extreme ultraviolet (EUV), and electron beam (e-beam) lithography, allowing thorough analysis of fundamental effects within the illumination and projection systems of an exposure tool, predicting the impact of mask and wafer topography on photoresist profiles. Integrating Sentaurus Lithography with Sentaurus Topography allows a seamless modeling of complex integration techniques such as double patterning. The interfaces of Sentaurus Lithography to other Synopsys applications in the area of design and mask synthesis accelerate the generation of optical proximity correction (OPC) models, helping to minimize process variability.
R&D engineers already in the early phases of process development for semiconductor device manufacturing use lithography simulation to select the lithography strategy for future technology nodes, analyze technical feasibility and cost efficiency, and optimize it for production. Production engineers use predictive lithography process simulation for chip/layout optimizations or failure analysis within a manufacturing environment.
Although Sentaurus Lithography provides powerful, multidimensional analysis capabilities through its user interface, the complexity of many advanced simulation tasks requires a higher degree of automation. The MATLAB API of Sentaurus Lithography provides MATLAB users direct access to key parameters and full control over simulation runs. Users can set up or modify a simulation, execute an analysis run, extract simulation results, and further process them through MATLAB commands, using either customized routines or existing MATLAB toolboxes. For advanced applications, the entire preprocessing of the simulation input as well as the postprocessing of simulation and evaluation results can be controlled through MATLAB, enabling the user to create completely customized simulation flows, for example, for technology node or product-specific optimization tasks.

Synopsys, Inc
690 East Middlefield Rd
Mountain View, CA 94043
Tel: 650-584-5000
Required Products
- Linux
- Windows
- On-site assistance
- Telephone
- Training
Product Type
- Modeling and Simulation Tools
- Data Analysis and Statistics
- Digital Signal Processing
- Design and Manufacturing
- Semiconductor
Related Connections Views: Data Analysis and Statistics, Digital Signal Processing, Modeling and Simulation Tools, Semiconductor