Pramit Biswas - MATLAB Central

Pramit Biswas

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Patna

Last seen: 1년 초과 전 2013년부터 활동

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5 문제
55 답안


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k partitions of an array of numbers having nearly equal sum
Input: Array X, of size 1xn and number of partition K. Output: 2-d array Y of size kxm. Conditions: Each element of the array ...

2년 초과 전 | 0 | 솔버 수: 0


Not able to start parpool in multiple different matlab instances simultaneously in a single machine.
I tried in multiple different matlab instance. for i = 1:2 str2Eval = [ '!matlab -r "myFunction(''' fileName(i) ''');exit;...

4년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0




Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Searching/Tuning/Optimizing by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) method

거의 5년 전 | 다운로드 수: 30 |



In switch-case, case values from variable (dynamic)
array1 = [1 2 3]; % this will change in the program array2 = [4 5 6]; % this will change in the program switch an...

6년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0




Clarification for parallel process
I have set up one _mainScript_, where one parallel for initiates calling of _func1_ function. This function calls _script1_ with...

6년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0




Help: restructuring parfor
totpV=5; vars = rand(totpV,2); for loop1=1:100 for loop2=1:totpV % Make this loop2 parallel using parfor ...

거의 7년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0



문제를 풀었습니다

Find the numeric mean of the prime numbers in a matrix.
There will always be at least one prime in the matrix. Example: Input in = [ 8 3 5 9 ] Output out is 4...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Given a window, how many subsets of a vector sum positive
Given a vector: [1 0 -1 3 2 -3 1] and a window of 2, A sliding window would find: 1 + 0 = 1 0 - 1 = -1 ...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Finding Perfect Squares
Given a vector of numbers, return true if one of the numbers is a square of one of the other numbers. Otherwise return false. E...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Create times-tables
At one time or another, we all had to memorize boring times tables. 5 times 5 is 25. 5 times 6 is 30. 12 times 12 is way more th...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Examp...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Implement simple rotation cypher
If given a letter from the set: [] and a shift, implement a shift cypher. Example: 'abc' with a shi...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Triangle sequence
A sequence of triangles is constructed in the following way: 1) the first triangle is Pythagoras' 3-4-5 triangle 2) the s...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Side of a rhombus
If a rhombus has diagonals of length x and x+1, then what is the length of its side, y? <<

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Is this triangle right-angled?
Given any three positive numbers a, b, c, return true if the triangle with sides a, b and c is right-angled. Otherwise, return f...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Dimensions of a rectangle
The longer side of a rectangle is three times the length of the shorter side. If the length of the diagonal is x, find the width...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Side of an equilateral triangle
If an equilateral triangle has area A, then what is the length of each of its sides, x? <<

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Area of an Isoceles Triangle
An isosceles triangle has equal sides of length x and a base of length y. Find the area, A, of the triangle. <<http://upload...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Area of an equilateral triangle
Calculate the area of an equilateral triangle of side x. <<

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Length of a short side
Calculate the length of the short side, a, of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse of length c, and other short side of lengt...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Is this triangle right-angled?
Given three positive numbers a, b, c, where c is the largest number, return *true* if the triangle with sides a, b and c is righ...

거의 7년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Length of the hypotenuse
Given short sides of lengths a and b, calculate the length c of the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle. <<http://upload....

거의 7년 전


Find the missing numbers.
Total *N* numbers are in the series of natural numbers ( *1,2,3,...,N* ). The input is an array (unsorted) of those natural num...

거의 7년 전 | 1 | 솔버 수: 48


Specify any block parameter values from other constant block (simulink)
I have multiple RLC blocks, and I want to control their parameter from one single block, so that I don't have to set for each RL...

거의 7년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0




sort array B, as the array A is sorted

거의 7년 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |

답변 있음
sorting according to another vector
function B = sortBlikeA(A,B) [~, Ao] = sort(A); Bs=sort(B); B(Ao)=Bs; end

거의 7년 전 | 3


histcounts error in place of histc
Links: < histc>, < hi...

대략 7년 전 | 답변 수: 3 | 1




sum of array in structure.
uC = zeros(1,length(X)); for loop1 = 1:length(X) uC(loop1) = sum(X(loop1).Y); end Any other/proper/quick wa...

대략 7년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0



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