matlab coder error Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for code generation.
This works in Matlab but not in Coder, Why? s1=string({OPS_FLT(:).ACFT_ID}) s2=OPS_FLT(2).ACFT_ID uuindex=find(strcmpi(s1,s2...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 1
find a particular string from struct cell array
I have something like this, aircraft(1).field="B747#1CM001" I need to isolate "B747" and "1CM001" from this string. So I need ...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Coder gives error Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for code generation.
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 1
답변답변 있음
I got the error: undefined reference to WinMain when converting a simple matlab function to a c executable
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
I got the error: undefined reference to WinMain when converting a simple matlab function to a c executable
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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Non Scalar Structures
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
Non Scalar Structures
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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How to find string structure elements?
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
How to find string structure elements?
Why this gives problem in C Coder. Error: Directly accessing field or property of nonscalar struct or object not supported for c...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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I got the error: undefined reference to WinMain when converting a simple matlab function to a c executable
I got the error: undefined reference to WinMain when converting a simple matlab function to a c executable
5년 초과 전 | 1
답변 있음
I got the error: undefined reference to WinMain when converting a simple matlab function to a c executable
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello Wo...
I got the error: undefined reference to WinMain when converting a simple matlab function to a c executable
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello Wo...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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Change format in created C code
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
Change format in created C code
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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"Attempted to access an element that was not defined before use" - MATLAB Coder
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
"Attempted to access an element that was not defined before use" - MATLAB Coder
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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Can variable size matrices be used as inputs with coder.ceval?
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
Can variable size matrices be used as inputs with coder.ceval?
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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how to solve the error says : "The function sym is not supported for standalone ..." when I convert the Matlab code to C/C++ code??
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
how to solve the error says : "The function sym is not supported for standalone ..." when I convert the Matlab code to C/C++ code??
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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How to convert table2array function in c using matlab coder
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
How to convert table2array function in c using matlab coder
I am trying to convert this simple code into excutable using matlab coder. function y = hello_world %#codegen y = 'Hello W...
5년 초과 전 | 0
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"Attempted to access an element that was not defined before use" - MATLAB Coder
how to define varsize?
"Attempted to access an element that was not defined before use" - MATLAB Coder
how to define varsize?
6년 초과 전 | 0
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precision of a binary file or text file? "fread"
fscanf doesnt support into matlab c coder. what other option do i have?
precision of a binary file or text file? "fread"
fscanf doesnt support into matlab c coder. what other option do i have?
6년 초과 전 | 0
How to read text file using only fopen, fread, fclose
Hi, I need to read this file using only fopen, fread and fclose becasue later I will convert this into C code using matlab code...
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How to read text file using only fopen, fread, fclose
I use this, but it doesnt work clear all fid = fopen('icao_emission_databank_simplified.txt'); data=fread(fid,'char'); N =...
How to read text file using only fopen, fread, fclose
I use this, but it doesnt work clear all fid = fopen('icao_emission_databank_simplified.txt'); data=fread(fid,'char'); N =...
6년 초과 전 | 0
How to convert table2array function in c using matlab coder
I am using a mfile which reads text files from different directory. I need to convert this mfile into C code using matlab coder ...
6년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 1