Isabella Osetinsky-Tzidaki
Israel Meteorological Service
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How can I fit data using quartic smoothing splines?
Quoted from k = 5; % order 5, i.e., we are w...
How can I fit data using quartic smoothing splines?
Quoted from k = 5; % order 5, i.e., we are w...
대략 8년 전 | 1
답변 있음
problem with CSAPS (cubic smoothing spline)
Your n=21 in linspace is too small for influencing your 0-100*pi range curve
problem with CSAPS (cubic smoothing spline)
Your n=21 in linspace is too small for influencing your 0-100*pi range curve
대략 8년 전 | 0
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2d-spline interpolation with scattered data?
2d-spline interpolation with scattered data?
대략 8년 전 | 0
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Mapping NCEP reanalysis data
Mapping NCEP reanalysis data
대략 8년 전 | 0
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Some plot objects disappear when I zoom in 2016b
% Try two ways: % 1. Enlarge markersize % 2. Play with set(gcf,'renderer','opengl') % or set(gcf,'renderer','painte...
Some plot objects disappear when I zoom in 2016b
% Try two ways: % 1. Enlarge markersize % 2. Play with set(gcf,'renderer','opengl') % or set(gcf,'renderer','painte...
대략 8년 전 | 0
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live script when result is very long
have you tried "xlswrite" command? Just like this: % instead of disp('X') xlswrite('MyFile.xlsx','X')
live script when result is very long
have you tried "xlswrite" command? Just like this: % instead of disp('X') xlswrite('MyFile.xlsx','X')
대략 8년 전 | 0
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We have a matrix containing the year month and day of data points. We want to find out how often each day occurs. Thanks in advance!
% A is N by 3 matrix (y,M,d) B=datetime(A,'Format','yyyyMMdd'); C=char(B); D=str2num(C); F=unique(D); L=length(F)...
We have a matrix containing the year month and day of data points. We want to find out how often each day occurs. Thanks in advance!
% A is N by 3 matrix (y,M,d) B=datetime(A,'Format','yyyyMMdd'); C=char(B); D=str2num(C); F=unique(D); L=length(F)...
대략 8년 전 | 0
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Cannot read xls files
Cannot read xls files
대략 8년 전 | 0
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Performing Monte Carlo Sampling
L=length(x); Rmat=nan(L,10000); for i=1:10000 R=normrnd(mu,sigma,[L,1]); Rmat(:,i)=R; end
Performing Monte Carlo Sampling
L=length(x); Rmat=nan(L,10000); for i=1:10000 R=normrnd(mu,sigma,[L,1]); Rmat(:,i)=R; end
대략 8년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Storing found values in an array
any command located between "break" and "end" cannot be performed
Storing found values in an array
any command located between "break" and "end" cannot be performed
대략 8년 전 | 0
답변 있음
How to lock an enter field for an area of numbers and no letters.
if (x>10 || x<1) error('User can only enter numbers between 1-10') end
How to lock an enter field for an area of numbers and no letters.
if (x>10 || x<1) error('User can only enter numbers between 1-10') end
대략 8년 전 | 0
답변 있음
question on copying figure to word
click on "File" , then "Save as", then any. I prefer "png" or "emf" format for Word.
question on copying figure to word
click on "File" , then "Save as", then any. I prefer "png" or "emf" format for Word.
대략 8년 전 | 0
답변 있음
How can convert vector aa size 1x262144 to matrix 256x256
% you will not convert (262144 is 4 times 256*256 and not equal to it) % but complete 4 matrices out of your "aa" vector % a...
How can convert vector aa size 1x262144 to matrix 256x256
% you will not convert (262144 is 4 times 256*256 and not equal to it) % but complete 4 matrices out of your "aa" vector % a...
대략 8년 전 | 1
| 수락됨
답변 있음
Can I insert columns into imported data
use diff function, see its help page for right formulation
Can I insert columns into imported data
use diff function, see its help page for right formulation
대략 8년 전 | 0
답변 있음
How to save progressive jpeg with Matlab?
try export_fig code from the "File Exchange"
How to save progressive jpeg with Matlab?
try export_fig code from the "File Exchange"
거의 10년 전 | 0
답변 있음
how can i have random numbers with criteria?
r=nan(50,1); rng('shuffle') r(1)=randi([1,5]); n=1; while n<50, rng('shuffle') p = randi([1,5]); if p~=r(...
how can i have random numbers with criteria?
r=nan(50,1); rng('shuffle') r(1)=randi([1,5]); n=1; while n<50, rng('shuffle') p = randi([1,5]); if p~=r(...
거의 10년 전 | 0