Can I insert columns into imported data

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Shireen Adenwalla
Shireen Adenwalla 2016년 12월 8일
답변: Walter Roberson 2016년 12월 8일
I am importing data from an excel file and would like to subtract sequential rows or columns (for example) Can I do this?

답변 (2개)

Isabella Osetinsky-Tzidaki
Isabella Osetinsky-Tzidaki 2016년 12월 8일
use diff function, see its help page for right formulation

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016년 12월 8일
You can use {} notation using : (colon) for the row numbers and using numeric values for column numbers. You can even
diff(YourTable{:, :}, [], 2)
to find the difference between adjacent columns.
What I do not know at the moment is whether there is a nice way to rearrange columns. You can probably use
YourTable(:, [3 1 4 2])
for example to rearrange columns including header.


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