Richard Crozier
The University of Edinburgh
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Professional Interests: Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy
Level 2 S-Function block port sampling mode error
When I try to run a model containing Level-2 m-code S-Function block I have created I get the following error: Level-2 MATLAB S...
4년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Can I use a C MEX function in Level-2 M-File S-Function for deployment to a speadgoat real-time PC?
I have created a Level-2 M-File S-Function which internally calls a C MEX function. This works fine in normal simulink, but is i...
거의 5년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
How best to set Matlab Level 2 S-Function port sizes based on dialog parameters?
I'm creating a Level 2 S-Function with two inputs and one output port. One input port and one Output port will vary in size, bu...
대략 5년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
I already have MinGW on my computer. How do I configure it to work with MATLAB?
I am trying the described solution in Matlab R2018a. If I run without administrator priviliges I get the following when trying ...
I already have MinGW on my computer. How do I configure it to work with MATLAB?
I am trying the described solution in Matlab R2018a. If I run without administrator priviliges I get the following when trying ...
대략 5년 전 | 1
답변 있음
Can I have subdirectories in a +package directory?
The answer is no, you cannot have subdirectories in a package directory.
Can I have subdirectories in a +package directory?
The answer is no, you cannot have subdirectories in a package directory.
6년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
How to get unique members of an array of handle classes?
I have an array of classdef object derived from handle. It is possible that some of these members could actually point to the sa...
거의 7년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
답변답변 있음
How do I use live script (*.mlx) files in source control?
No you cannot use live scripts with any of the major version control systems such as svn, git or mercurial. They are a binary fo...
How do I use live script (*.mlx) files in source control?
No you cannot use live scripts with any of the major version control systems such as svn, git or mercurial. They are a binary fo...
거의 7년 전 | 4
How can I use an existing Level-2 C S-Function in embedded application?
I have a simulink model which incorporates a Level-2 C code S-function. I would like to use Simulink Coder to build the model fo...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Does simulink scale ill-conditioned matrices provided to State-Space block?
The question title says it all really, does simulink scale ill-conditioned matrices provided to State-Space block? The help d...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
답변답변 있음
Lining to static library using Mingw-w64
I figured out you can just change the lib name to end '.lib' instead of '.a'. This shouldn't work since a .a file is a different...
Lining to static library using Mingw-w64
I figured out you can just change the lib name to end '.lib' instead of '.a'. This shouldn't work since a .a file is a different...
7년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
Lining to static library using Mingw-w64
I want to create a mex file which links to a static library. This library was created using Mingw-w64 and has the |.a| file exte...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How is extrapolation performed in the Simulink Transport Delay block?
The Simulink Transport Delay block states that if the specified delay is smaller than the current time step extrapolation is per...
거의 8년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Why is my Matlab hgtransform matrix invalid?
I am attempting to apply a transform matrix by setting the |'Matrix'| property of a matlab hgtransform object. The transform mat...
대략 8년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How do I create a class with functional syntax, like griddedInterpolant?
The documentation for the griddedInterpolant has an example like the following: [X1, X2] = ndgrid(1:10,1:10); V = X1...
8년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 1
답변답변 있음
How to read xml file with binary data into Matlab? (VTK/VTU File)
The answer to determining the position was to calculate the character bit length from the first line read in like so: % o...
How to read xml file with binary data into Matlab? (VTK/VTU File)
The answer to determining the position was to calculate the character bit length from the first line read in like so: % o...
8년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
How to read xml file with binary data into Matlab? (VTK/VTU File)
First of all, I've also asked this question on <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38522178/how-to-read-xml-file-with-binary-dat...
8년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
Can I set AbsTol for only some components of solution?
I have a system of ODEs in matlab which I want to solve using the standard solvers. On some of the values of these components I ...
8년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Can I solve ode without explicit expression for derivative?
I would like to solve an ODE using Matlab's solvers, but where I don't have an explicit expression for the derivative. Specifica...
거의 9년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
how to install a compiler for windows 8.1
You can't, there are no supported compilers for Windows 8.1 From <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/bg162891.a...
how to install a compiler for windows 8.1
You can't, there are no supported compilers for Windows 8.1 From <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/bg162891.a...
9년 초과 전 | 0
Can I have subdirectories in a +package directory?
I would like to know if it is possible to add subdirectories to a matlab package directory (denoted by a preceeding '+' in the d...
거의 10년 전 | 답변 수: 3 | 5
Why does Matlab set a custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH when execting "system" on Linux?
Why does Matlab set the LD_LIBRARA_PATH environment variable of the shell in which it executes "system" commands on Linux? I ...
거의 10년 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 2
optimises the functional form of a multi-dimensional polynomial fit to model data
대략 11년 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |
Change the name of a function called in your m-files and optionally move it too.
11년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |
Display Formatted Text Table of Data
Display data, mixed numeric and strings with optional col and row headers and your choice of col sep
거의 12년 전 | 다운로드 수: 2 |
답변 있음
I have removed about 75 unnecessary folders. How do I easily remove them from my path?
A better long term solution is to use a script to generate your path every time you start matlab instead of hard coding the path...
I have removed about 75 unnecessary folders. How do I easily remove them from my path?
A better long term solution is to use a script to generate your path every time you start matlab instead of hard coding the path...
대략 12년 전 | 1