Boom Lift Model in Simscape
버전 (24.1 MB) 작성자:
Steve Miller
Telescoping boom lift with tread drive.
This example models a boom lift with hydraulic actuators. To see videos and animations of what you can do with this model, please visit this page
The lift has
- 6 hydraulic actuators in the chassis,
- 7 hydraulic actuators in the boom
- 1 passive hydraulic cylinder.
The mechanical model of the lift was created in CAD software and imported into Simscape Multibody.
A MATLAB App helps you open the model that best matches your needs. Abstract models use transfer functions to represent the hydraulic system. More detailed models represent the hydraulics with components that match the schematic that appears in the operators manual. You can also open models that only include certain systems, such as the outriggers or the jib.
The model includes a simple control system which restricts some of the movements when the lift is in certain positions. Simulink dashboard blocks permit manual testing of the algorithm
Open the project file sm_boom_lift_crawler.prj to begin.
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인용 양식
Steve Miller (2024). Boom Lift Model in Simscape (, GitHub. 검색됨 .
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개발 환경:
R2020b에서 R2024a까지의 릴리스와 호환
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