Real-Time Pacer for Simulink

버전 (18.7 KB) 작성자: Gautam Vallabha
Simulink block for forcing a simulation to run in real (wall clock) time
다운로드 수: 23.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2016/9/1

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편집자 메모: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

The RealTime Pacer block slows down ("paces") simulation time so that it synchronizes with real elapsed time. The degree of slowdown is controllable via a Speedup parameter.
1) The block is implemented using an M S-function, so it works on any supported Simulink platform. It does not support code generation.

2) The block uses the MATLAB PAUSE function to slow down the simulation. The PAUSE command gives up the processor during the pause, so system performance does not degrade.

3) The M-S function illustrates how to use nested functions to simplify the code.

The matching between simulation time and elapsed real time is approximate, with expected differences on the order of 10 to 30 milliseconds. This limitation is due to difficulties of precise timing with a multitasking operating system.


The following FX entries also implement "real time" functionality for Simulink. They are based on C S-functions and therefore support code generation.

* Simulink Real Time Execution (Real-Time Slower) (Filex# 21908)
* Real-Time Blockset 7.1 for Simulink (Filex# 3175)
* RTsync Blockset (Filex# 24975)

인용 양식

Gautam Vallabha (2024). Real-Time Pacer for Simulink (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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