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최근 활동: 2024년 8월 8일

A library of runnable PDEs. See the equations! Modify the parameters! Visualize the resulting system in your browser! Convenient, fast, and instructive.
최근 활동: 2024년 4월 2일

I feel like no one at UC San Diego knows this page, let alone this server, is still live. For the younger generation, this is what the whole internet used to look like :)
Unlike last year's contest, there are some new technologies this year that might offer some advantages. Namely generative AI's like ChatGPT, Bard, etc. Not to be excluded, MathWorks just launched the AI Chat Playground :)
The contest development team has identified an issue when trying to link your new entries to submissions in the File Exchange. The issue has prevented some users from successfully linking their entries. We have a fix and will be deploying it today at 3pm EST.
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