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다음에 대한 결과:
In case you haven't come across it yet, @Gareth created a Jokes toolbox to get MATLAB to tell you a joke.
Jokes in MATLAB
Get MATLAB to tell you a joke.
A library of runnable PDEs. See the equations! Modify the parameters! Visualize the resulting system in your browser! Convenient, fast, and instructive.

A colleague said that you can search the Help Center using the phrase 'Introduced in' followed by a release version. Such as, 'Introduced in R2022a'. Doing this yeilds search results specific for that release.
Seems pretty handy so I thought I'd share.
I feel like no one at UC San Diego knows this page, let alone this server, is still live. For the younger generation, this is what the whole internet used to look like :)

Here's a MATLAB class I wrote that leverages the MATLAB Central Interface for MATLAB toolbox, which in turn uses the publicy available Community API. Using this class, I've created a few Favorites that show me what's going on in MATLAB Central - without having to leave MATLAB 🙂
The class has a few convenient queries:
- Results for the last 7 days
- Results for the last 30 days
- Results for the current month
- Results for today
And supporting a bunch of different content scopes:
- All MATLAB Central
- MATLAB Answers
- Blogs
- Cody
- Contests
- File Exchange
- Exclude Answers content
The results are displayed in the command window (which worked best for me) and link to each post. Here's what that looks like for this command
>> CommunityFeed.thisMonth("app designer", CommunityFeed.Scope.ExcludeAnswers)

Let me know if you find this class useful and feel free to suggest changes.