MATLAB Central Discussions - Join the conversation!
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Hey MATLAB Community! 🌟
March has been bustling with activity on MATLAB Central, bringing forth a treasure trove of insights, innovations, and fun. Whether you're delving into the intricacies of spline conversions or seeking inspiration from Pi Day celebrations, there's something for everyone.
Here’s a roundup of the top posts from the past few weeks that you won't want to miss:
Interesting questions
Dive into the technicalities of converting spline forms with a focus on calculating coefficients. A must-read for anyone dealing with spline representations.
Explore the challenges and solutions in tuning autopilot gains within a non-linear model of a business jet aircraft.
Popular discussions
Celebrate Pi Day with cool MATLAB implementations and code. A delightful read filled with π-inspired creativity.
Get a glimpse of fun with MATLAB through an engaging visual shared by Athanasios. A light-hearted thread that showcases the fun side of mathematics.
From File Exchange
Unlock the secrets of global climate data with MATLAB. This thread offers tools and insights for analyzing precipitation variability.
Interact with a numerical puddle in real-time and explore the dynamics of disturbances. A fascinating exploration of fluid dynamics simulation.
From the Blogs
Revisit Pi Day with Jiro's picks of the coolest π visualizations. A post that combines art, math, and the joy of exploration.
Discover the synergy between MATLAB and Visual Studio Code, enhanced by GitHub Copilot support. A game-changer for MATLAB developers.
These threads are just the tip of the iceberg. Each post is a gateway to new knowledge, ideas, and community connections. Dive in, explore, and don't forget to contribute your insights and questions. Together, we make MATLAB Central a vibrant hub of innovation and support.
Happy Coding!
Unlike last year's contest, there are some new technologies this year that might offer some advantages. Namely generative AI's like ChatGPT, Bard, etc. Not to be excluded, MathWorks just launched the AI Chat Playground :)
Here's a MATLAB class I wrote that leverages the MATLAB Central Interface for MATLAB toolbox, which in turn uses the publicy available Community API. Using this class, I've created a few Favorites that show me what's going on in MATLAB Central - without having to leave MATLAB 🙂
The class has a few convenient queries:
  • Results for the last 7 days
  • Results for the last 30 days
  • Results for the current month
  • Results for today
And supporting a bunch of different content scopes:
  • All MATLAB Central
  • MATLAB Answers
  • Blogs
  • Cody
  • Contests
  • File Exchange
  • Exclude Answers content
The results are displayed in the command window (which worked best for me) and link to each post. Here's what that looks like for this command
>> CommunityFeed.thisMonth("app designer", CommunityFeed.Scope.ExcludeAnswers)
Let me know if you find this class useful and feel free to suggest changes.
The contest development team has identified an issue when trying to link your new entries to submissions in the File Exchange. The issue has prevented some users from successfully linking their entries. We have a fix and will be deploying it today at 3pm EST.

Introducing content recommendations, a new feed on the community home page with personalized content just for you. MATLAB Central has hundreds of thousands of posts, including files, blogs, questions, and answers. We’re always looking for opportunities to better serve the community as it continues to grow so that visitors can easily help one another and ultimately find what they're looking for.

MATLAB Central has been around for a long time, 20 years this year - more on this milestone in a separate post later. With so much great content it can be a challenge to find what you're looking for or discover new things. We have search and browsing capabilities across the community but even with these robust features you still might not discover some very interesting or relevant content. In the spirit of trying to make sure you don't miss out, we've just released our first version of our recommended content feed. You can see this new feed on the community home page, visible by default via the 'For You' tab.

Recommendations are pulled from across MATLAB Central based on what we think would be relevant to you. We think we have a good starting point and plan on tweaking the algorithms now that it's live. So, expect the feed to only get more relevant over time.

We hope you will find this feature helpful and as always please reply with any feedback you may have.

최근 활동: 2021년 2월 23일

MATLAB Answers will now properly handle the use of the '*@*' character when you want to get someone's attention. This behavior is commonly referred to as 'mentioning' or 'tagging' someone and is a feature found in most communication apps.

Why we are doing this

To help with communication and potentially speed up conversations. Also, it turns out many of you have been typing the @ character in Answers already, even though the MATLAB Answers site didn't behave in the expected way.

How it works

Once you type the @ character a popup will appear listing the community members already in the Q/A thread, as you keep typing the list will expand to include members not in the thread. A mentioned user will receive a notification when the question/answer/comment is posted. Each mention in the Q/A thread will have a new visual style and link to the user profile for that community member.

If you don't want to get 'mentioned' you can turn off the setting in your communication preferences located on your profile page .

We hope you will find this feature helpful and as always please reply with any feedback you may have.

We have created a new community for users of ThingSpeak. This new community is for students, researchers, and engineers looking to use MATLAB, Simulink, and ThingSpeak for Internet of Things applications. You can find the latest ThingSpeak news, tutorials to jump-start your next IoT project, and a forum to engage in a discussion on your latest cloud-based project. You can see answers to problems other users have solved and share how you solved a problem.

Christopher Stapels will be moderating the new ThingSpeak community .

We encourage you to visit the new community and share best practices, examples, and ask questions.

최근 활동: 2021년 1월 21일

Ameer Hamza had a great 2020 and has been awarded the coveted MOST ACCEPTED answers badge for all his contributions in MATLAB Answers this past year. Ameer joins Walter Roberson and Image Analyst in receiving this award going all the way back to 2012!

There are 10 community members who have achieved the Top Downloads badge for their popular File Exchange submissions in 2020. Do you recognize any of these names? There's a good chance you've used one or more of their toolboxes or scripts in your work if you're a frequent visitor to File Exchange, if you're not you might want to check out what they've posted, it may save you a lot of time writing your own code.

--------------------- Top Downloads Badge Winners -----------------

Congratulations to all these winners and a giant THANK YOU for all they've done this past year to help everyone in the MATLAB Central community!

File Exchange now offers the ability to download/restore previous versions of community contributed files. It's often a good practice to always update your software to the latest version, however there are times when this isn't always helpful. Sometimes a software update can break or alter something you've been relying on, in these cases you'll want to stick with the version that's working for you. This is why we've added the ability to download previous versions in File Exchange.

Using Version History

Navigate to any community member file and then click the View Version History link that appears above the Download button. This will show you a list of the previous versions contributed by the submission author. Each version will have a corresponding download button, date, version number, and a description of the changes made for that update.

Let us know what you think about this new feature by replying below.

Please join Loren Shure for her live sessions on the MATLAB YouTube channel starting October 1st and continuing through November 19th. You know Loren from her popular blog Loren on the Art of MATLAB.

최근 활동: 2021년 4월 26일

The following is a list of updates and new features for File Exchange and Cody.

New Features

  • (Coming soon) Support for GitHub releases added to File Exchange - Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement later this month.
  • 2 new Cody problem groups - Visit Cody to see the new MATLAB Basics and Beyond the Basics problem groups.

Let us know what you think about these new features by replying below.

최근 활동: 2020년 4월 8일

Take a look at this handy cheatsheet from Peijin Zhang, a PhD student of solar radio at USTC, China. This is especially helpful for those preparing figures for a paper.

Do you know of any other cheatsheets for MATLAB?

최근 활동: 2020년 5월 6일

We have created a new distance learning community for educators who are teaching remotely or online using MathWorks tools. It houses resources, such as articles, code examples, and videos, as well as an area where community members can ask questions or hold discussions around best practices in distance learning. Jiro Doke , who also writes for the File Exchange Pick of the Week blog, will be moderating this community.

We encourage you to visit the new community and share best practices, examples, and ask questions.

최근 활동: 2020년 3월 30일

We have created a new page in MATLAB Answers that aggregates the most frequently asked MATLAB questions (FAQs). FAQs are common and a good starting point for anyone learning something new and having them all in one place can be a useful resource. Our new FAQ page lists the top 100 MATLAB questions asked and answered in MATLAB Central . They are grouped into the following 9 categories:

  • Data Import and Analysis
  • Graphics: Basics
  • Graphics: Objects
  • Installation and Licensing
  • Language Fundamentals: Basics
  • Language Fundamentals: Matrices and Arrays
  • Language Fundamentals: Operators and Elementary Operations
  • Mathematics
  • Programming

I recommend that everyone scans the new FAQ page as you might find some useful tips.

We will be updating the FAQ page regularly as new questions are asked in the community. We welcome any feedback you have.

최근 활동: 2020년 3월 25일

Check out this pick of the week from Emma Gau. Emma's submission is featured on the Live Script gallery. Check out the blog post to see why Owen picked it.

최근 활동: 2020년 3월 25일

Check out this pick of the week from Will. Steve's progressbar submission has been around since 2005 and still runs perfectly. Check out the blog post to see why Will picked it.

최근 활동: 2020년 2월 21일

Check out Sean's blog posts ( Intro , Authoring ) on Spider Plots. He's using spider_plot by Moses to create beautiful plots like this.

최근 활동: 2020년 2월 12일

The following is a list of updates and new features for MATLAB Central, including MATLAB Answers, File Exchange, Blogs, and Cody.

New Features

Community highlights channel released - See this post for more details.

Answers comment UI change - A minor improvement to the user interface when adding comments to questions and answers in MATLAB Answers. This change should make it easier to discern between commenting and adding a new answers to a question.

Answers rich text editor update - The rich text editor has been updated to the 19b version of the MATLAB Live Editor. This update will primarily help with syntax highlighting along with resolving a few other issues.

Answer pages translation option - Answers translations options added. A translation option for questions and answers content has been added for French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese languages.

최근 활동: 2024년 5월 20일

Check out barChartRace by Eiji Konaka , this weeks pick by Jiro.
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