count rectangles on big matrices

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
freebil 2013년 9월 27일
편집: Cedric 2013년 11월 5일
Hello. I have very large sparse matrices with zero and one only and i have to count all the rectangles that there are in it. For example:
1 0 0 0 1
H=[1 1 0 1 1]
0 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 1
There are 2 rectangles inside.
1st--> H(1,1),H(2,1),H(1,5),H(2,5)
2nd--> H(2,2),H(3,2),H(2,4),H(3,4)
I wrote a code but it is very slow with large matrices..
for i=1:m
for j=1:n
if H(i,j)==1
for ii=i+1:m
if H(ii,j)==1
for jj=j+1:n
if H(i,jj)==1
if H(ii,jj)==1
Any ideas please?
  댓글 수: 10
freebil 2013년 9월 28일
Thank you for your answer! The cycles are:
I really appreciate your help!
Cedric 2013년 9월 28일
Please, see the edit in my answer.

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채택된 답변

Cedric 2013년 9월 28일
편집: Cedric 2013년 11월 5일
== Final answer in comments.
== ANSWER Sun@10:10am
The only easy improvement that I could think of is to eliminate elements which are alone on their row and/or column. It could be significant if the density is low.
[r,c] = find( H ) ;
n = numel( r ) ;
% - Preprocessor: eliminates entries which are "alone" row or column-wise.
v1s = ones(n, 1) ;
rCnt = accumarray( r, v1s ) ; cCnt = accumarray( c, v1s ) ;
isAlone = rCnt(r) == 1 | cCnt(c) == 1 ;
r = r(~isAlone) ; c = c(~isAlone) ; n = numel( r ) ;
% - Main loop.
nCycles = 0 ;
% Loop through potential upper-left corners.
for k_ul = 1 : n-3
if c(k_ul) == n, break ; end
if r(k_ul) == n, continue ; end
% Find and loop through potential lower left corners.
ix_ll = find( c == c(k_ul) & r > r(k_ul) ) ;
if isempty( ix_ll ), continue ; end
for k_ll = ix_ll.'
% Find all potential columns matching upper right corners.
c_ur = c( r == r(k_ul) & c > c(k_ul) ) ;
% Find all potential columns matching row of lower left corner.
c_r_ll = c( r == r(k_ll) & c > c(k_ll) ) ;
% Count cycles as # elements of intersect.
nCycles = nCycles + nnz( bsxfun(@eq, c_ur.', c_r_ll )) ;
== ANSWER Sat@2:04pm
EDIT Sat@7:30pm : replaced call to INTERSECT (slow) with a solution based on BSXFUN.
I am in a rush and I have to leave, so I don't have time to write explanations or to perform tests, but here is what I guess could be a solution. Have a look and I'll come back later today to discuss it if needed.
[r,c] = find( H ) ;
n = numel( r ) ;
nCycles = 0 ;
% Loop through potential upper-left corners.
for k_ul = 1 : n-3
if c(k_ul) == n, break ; end
if r(k_ul) == n, continue ; end
% Find and loop through potential lower left corners.
ix_ll = find( c == c(k_ul) & r > r(k_ul) ) ;
if isempty( ix_ll ), continue ; end
for k_ll = ix_ll.'
% Find all potential columns matching upper right corners.
c_ur = c( r == r(k_ul) & c > c(k_ul) ) ;
% Find all potential columns matching row of lower left corner.
c_r_ll = c( r == r(k_ll) & c > c(k_ll) ) ;
% Count cycles as # elements of intersect.
nCycles = nCycles + nnz( bsxfun(@eq, c_ur.', c_r_ll )) ;
On my laptop, counting cycles takes ~1s for a 1e3 x 1e5 sparse matrix filled with a density of 1e-4. There might be a more efficient solution, but if you needed much more efficiency, you should consider a C/MEX based solution.
== INITIAL answer
I will adapt this answer according to what you'll reply to my last comment above, but I'd personally go for a solution based uniquely on non-zero elements. The code below, for example
H = [1 0 0 0 1; ...
1 1 0 1 1; ...
0 1 1 1 0; ...
0 0 0 0 1] ;
[r,c] = find( H ) ;
n = numel( r ) ;
% 1
% - Angles in 1st quadrant: 1 1
angles_q1 = zeros( n, 2 ) ;
ia = 0 ;
for k = 1 : n
if r(k) > 1 && c(k) < n
% Check if there are non-zero values above and on the right.
if any( r == r(k) & c == c(k)+1 ) && any( c == c(k) & r == r(k)-1 )
ia = ia + 1 ;
angles_q1(ia,:) = [r(k), c(k)] ;
angles_q1 = angles_q1(1:ia,:) ;
builds an array of angles opened in quadrant I. Running that on the H that you provided outputs
angles_q1 =
2 1
3 2
which gives you the quadrant 1 angles in (2,1) and (3,2).
It should be quite fast even on your large array. The same could be repeated for the other 3 cases, which would generate all the information that you need to "easily" spot rectangles. However, this works only if rectangles can be cut by lines of 1's or interlaced, and it fails if rectangles must be "empty".
  댓글 수: 11
freebil 2013년 11월 5일
Hello again! You were very helpful for me. I would like to do something more now and i want your opinion. Now, I would like to count 6 length cycles. I completed the code for this.
parfor blockId = 1 : nBlocks
% Loop through ones of upper-left corners
for k_ul = blockBnds(blockId) : (blockBnds(blockId+1) - 1)
% Find and loop through ones of lower left corners
ix_ll = find( c == c(k_ul) & r > r(k_ul) ) ;
if isempty( ix_ll ), continue ; end
for k_ll = ix_ll.'
% Find all columns matching upper right corners
c_ur = c( r == r(k_ul) & c > c(k_ul) ) ;
if isempty( c_ur ), continue ; end
% Find all potential columns matching row of lower left corner.
c_r_ll = c( r == r(k_ll) & c > c(k_ll) ) ;
if isempty( c_r_ll ), continue ; end
% Find after uper right
for c_urr = c_ur.'
r_aur = r( c == c_urr) ;
% Find after lower right
for c_r_lll = c_r_ll.'
r_ar_ll = r( c == c_r_lll ) ;
% Count cycles
tmp = nnz( bsxfun( @eq, r_aur.', r_ar_ll ));
% Keep positions for deleting
if tmp ~= 0
nCycles(blockId) = nCycles(blockId) + tmp ;
Can I do something better?
Cedric 2013년 11월 5일
Hi, I am traveling right now and I won't have time to answer I guess. Post this as a new question and make a reference to this thread.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 9월 28일
Rather than spend time looping over all the indices, many of which don't have 1's and are thus a waste of time, why not just get the rows and columns where the 1's live and then just loop over them?
[rows, columns] = find(H);
numberOfPoints = length(rows);
for k1 = 1 : numberOfPoints
row1 = rows(k1);
col1 = columns(k1);
for k2 = k1+1 : numberOfPoints
row2 = rows(k2);
col2 = columns(k2);
for k3 = k2+1 : numberOfPoints
row3 = rows(k3);
col3 = columns(k3);
for k4 = k3+1 : numberOfPoints
row4 = rows(k4);
col4 = columns(k4);
or something like that...


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