How to loop over a range of values?

조회 수: 270 (최근 30일)
Armando MAROZZI 2021년 3월 22일
댓글: Armando MAROZZI 2021년 3월 22일
I want to store some result from a function I built. These results are 7x1 for n iterations. How can I store values for 1:7, 8:14, 15:21,....?
Let me take an example:
% Let y be the outpuy of a model where y is 7x1 vector that is iterated n
% times. Therefore, the loop below is part of a bigger loop
x = nan(1008, 1); % store total results
for r = 1:size(x,1)/7
x(?,1) = y;
% basically, I need to store the first y result in the 1:7 rows of x, the
% second y result in the 8:14 rows of x, etc.
How can I do it?

채택된 답변

David Hill
David Hill 2021년 3월 22일
편집: David Hill 2021년 3월 22일
Why not store in a matrix?
x = nan(n, 7);
for r = 1:n
x(n,:) = y';
If not you could just:
x = nan(7*n, 1);
for r = 1:n
x(7*(r-1)+1:7*r) = y;

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