Yes or No question using while loop

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
Danny Allen
Danny Allen 2021년 2월 2일
댓글: Danny Allen 2021년 2월 2일
I'm trying input values to find area, and then ask a yes or no question to test more values afterwards. However, I'm having a hard time incorporating the while loop with the yes or no statement. Any help is appreciated.
base = input('enter base of beam');
height = input('enter height of beam');
A = base*height
disp(['The area of the beam is= ', num2str(A)])
choice = questdlg('would you like to try other values?',...
%the 'No' button does not appear, am I using it incorrectly?
%See if the user would like to try more values:
% Read new data
%Starting the while loop here is where I have a problem, even if I assigned a random value to 'yes' or 'no' - doesn't work
switch choice
case 'Yes'
base = input('enter base of beam');
height = input('enter density of beam');
A = base*height
disp(['The area of the beam is= ', num2str(A)])
% Repeat until user chooses 'No'
case 'No'
disp('YAY! You finished you calculation!')
end %switch
  댓글 수: 2
Ive J
Ive J 2021년 2월 2일
You forgot default answer.
choice = questdlg('would you like to try other values?',...
Danny Allen
Danny Allen 2021년 2월 2일
Thank you very much! I didn't realize I had to apply the default answer again

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채택된 답변

David Hill
David Hill 2021년 2월 2일
while 1
base = input('enter base of beam');
height = input('enter height of beam');
A = base*height
disp(['The area of the beam is= ', num2str(A)])
choice = questdlg('would you like to try other values?','Choose','Yes','No','No');
if isequal(choice,'No')
disp('YAY! You finished you calculation!');
  댓글 수: 1
Danny Allen
Danny Allen 2021년 2월 2일
Thank you so much for helping me with this! Looking back at your alterations and referring back to matlab using the help feature, has guided me to a better understanding of how to execute and terminate a while loop.

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