The target PC 1 is not connecting for real time simulation, what is the solution for it?

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
Dear sir/Mam,
I'm having trouble for conecting PC 1 on real time explorer,
### Simulink Real-Time Test Suite
### Host-Target interface is: TcpIp
### Test 1, Ping target computer 'TargetPC1' using system ping: ... OK
### Test 2, Ping target computer 'TargetPC1' using SLRTPINGTARGET: ... OK
### Test 3, Software reboot the target computer 'TargetPC1': Error using slrttest (line 160)
TargetPC1: Port is not open.
### Simulink Real-Time Test Suite
### Host-Target interface is: TcpIp
### Test 1, Ping target computer 'TargetPC1' using system ping: ... OK
### Test 2, Ping target computer 'TargetPC1' using SLRTPINGTARGET: ... OK
### Test 3, Software reboot the target computer 'TargetPC1': ... SKIPPED
### Test 4, Build and download a Simulink Real-Time application using model slrttestmdl to target computer 'TargetPC1': ...
FAILED: The compiler for Simulink Real-Time application builds must be a supported Microsoft Visual Studio compiler. Either select a Microsoft compiler as the MEX compiler, or override the MEX compiler with slrtsetCC.

답변 (1개)

Diego Kuratli
Diego Kuratli 2024년 1월 10일
This error can appear in R2020a and older MATLAB releases. In newer MATLAB releases, Simulink Real-Time no longer requires a Microsoft Visual Studio compiler.


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