How to understand a Simscape model imported from SolidWorks?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Bo 2018년 4월 4일
댓글: Pangestu Jason Samuel 2020년 4월 19일
Hey guys,
I have watched a seminar called "Quadcopter simulation and control made easy".
In this seminar, the drone model was first made in SolidWorks then imported to Simscape. I know that the lines in Simscape means physical connection, but I can not completely understand the meaning of each block.
This is the SolidWorks model:
This is the simscape model:
What I am able to understand are:
1. The World block mean something that doesn't move in the space;
3. The BOARD_1_RIGID means the mainboard of the drone;
4. The rotors/board and connected to the world through joints that can move in six DOF.
What I am confused are:
1. Why we need Transform blocks? What are the differences between Transforms blocks and SixDOFs blocks?
2. What does the HUB_1_RIGID mean?
3. What does the block under the gear do?
4. How to configure the transform and sixDOF blocks?
Bo Shang

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Steve Miller
Steve Miller 2019년 4월 3일
1. Why we need Transform blocks? What are the differences between Transforms blocks and SixDOFs blocks?
Transform blocks create a new frame in the model. The new frame at port F has an orientation and location defined relative to the frame at port B.
The SixDOF block defines a joint that has six degrees of freedom. It means the two parts it connects are free to move and rotate with respect to each other.
2. What does the HUB_1_RIGID mean?
That is a subsystem that contains the part hub, translated from SolidWorks
3. What does the block under the gear do?
The Solver Configuration block has settings for the solver that are relevant for the network to which it is attached.
4. How to configure the transform and sixDOF blocks?
You need to double-click on the blocks to access the parameters
  댓글 수: 1
Pangestu Jason Samuel
Pangestu Jason Samuel 2020년 4월 19일
Hello, is there any step by step tutorial or pdf guide for robotic arm project using simscape and simulink along with the inverse kinematic configuration? Thank You

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