import a text file into a variable

조회 수: 59 (최근 30일)
Ahmed Nabil
Ahmed Nabil 2017년 9월 17일
댓글: M.S. Khan 2020년 8월 25일
I have the attached text file and I want to import it and put it into a matrix variable
what is the simplest function to do the work?
  댓글 수: 2
Cedric 2017년 9월 17일
What have you tried so far?
Ahmed Nabil
Ahmed Nabil 2017년 9월 18일
I tried to use this function but didn't work

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채택된 답변

KSSV 2017년 9월 18일
doc load, importdata.
  댓글 수: 1
M.S. Khan
M.S. Khan 2020년 8월 25일
How, could u plz explain

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추가 답변 (3개)

Guillaume 2017년 9월 18일
편집: Guillaume 2017년 9월 18일
I tried to use this function but didn't work.
Utterly useless statement.
>> t = readtable('Uz.txt', 'ReadVariableNames', false);
>> summary(t)
Var1: 109×1 double
Min 3.9152
Median 6.5121
Max 11.463
Clearly works.
If "it didn't work" then you need to provide the exact code you've used and the exact error code you get otherwise we have no idea why "it didn't work".

KL 2017년 9월 18일
data = readtable('Uz.txt');
or for just one column,
data = textread('Uz.txt')

Jan 2017년 9월 18일
What exactly is "simple"?
fid = fopen(FileName, 'r');
if fid == -1
error('Cannot open file: %s', FileName);
Data = fscanf(fid, '%g', inf);
Here "simple" means, that reading the documentation of the commands can be done quickly. textscan might look easier in the code, but you have much more options and reading the docs needs more time in consequence.


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