Design a third order low pass butterworth filter

조회 수: 25 (최근 30일)
Group 1
Group 1 2016년 12월 20일
댓글: Star Strider 2016년 12월 22일
I want to design a 3rd order butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency 160 rad/s. The input signal is a square wave with magnitude of +-1V. and fundemental frequency of 130 rad/s. I must use butter(N,Wn,'s') command. And i have to find the magnitude and phase spectra of the filter.
  댓글 수: 10
Group 1
Group 1 2016년 12월 22일
Can i compute it without sampling frequency? all the examples mention it. but its not given in the question
Star Strider
Star Strider 2016년 12월 22일
You can compute the Fourier transform without the sampling frequency. The results will not provide you with any information with respect to frequency.

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답변 (1개)

David Barry
David Barry 2016년 12월 20일
Read the doc and follow one of the very similar examples. If you are still stuck after that then upload your code and specific question.
  댓글 수: 4
David Barry
David Barry 2016년 12월 21일
What have you tried so far?
Group 1
Group 1 2016년 12월 22일
freqs worked for (ii). Im stuck in (iii) now.

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