Function input as a string

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Adrian 2016년 4월 11일
댓글: Adrian 2016년 4월 12일
Hi, I want to input a filename which is a string (filename = 'exceldata.xlsx') to the input of a function. Inside the function I would like to importdata with designated filename. The function is not processing the filename as 'exceldata.xlsx'
Example Code
filename = 'exceldata.xlsx;
function [a b] = readexcel (filename)
A = importdata(filename);

답변 (1개)

Adam 2016년 4월 11일
If you just give a filename with no path the file must be on your path. Generally you should give a full path to the file to be more robust.
You need to give more information than "is not processing" though. If you have an error message then post it in full, or give full details of whatever the problem is you get if it isn't an error.
  댓글 수: 3
Jan 2016년 4월 11일
@Adrian: As Adam has mentioned already, the error message means, that the file is not existing in the current folder. So add the folder excplicitly:
Folder = '???'
Filename = 'Matlab_Decrement_Data_415V_50H.xlsx';
File = fullfile(Folder, Filename);
and deliver File instead of Filename.
Adrian 2016년 4월 12일
Thank you Jan, the fullfile worked :-)

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