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Parameter and constraints definition

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
kumar vivek
kumar vivek 2015년 11월 3일
댓글: kumar vivek 2015년 11월 16일
Hi all, I am currently working on a code that requires calling 4 functions for a fixed number of iterations. My question is how to define the parameters and constraints in one main function that are called by different functions. A rough format :
Global (??? how to define parameters and constraints)
For i=Niterations
Function A (calls function B with a @function B)
Function B(having constraints)
Function C(taking the values from the constraints and call function D and E)
Function D runs to give the geometry
Function E calculates the cost function
Best Regards,
  댓글 수: 4
Adam 2015년 11월 11일
You can create a sub-vector easily from your full g vector as e.g.
g( [2 3 5 6] )
kumar vivek
kumar vivek 2015년 11월 16일
Thanks adam for the inputs. It helped a lot.

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