How to put values in matrix based on some condition?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Rasif Ajwad
Rasif Ajwad 2015년 10월 28일
댓글: Rob Campbell 2015년 10월 28일
I have a matrix. I want put 0 value in (2,1), (3,1), (4,1), (5,1) ... (n,1) positions. ***Not in (1,1) position.
Is it possible to do it with a single line of code?

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Rob Campbell
Rob Campbell 2015년 10월 28일
>> r=rand(5);
>> r(2:end,1)=0
r =
0.0596 0.0967 0.6596 0.4538 0.1734
0 0.8181 0.5186 0.4324 0.3909
0 0.8175 0.9730 0.8253 0.8314
0 0.7224 0.6490 0.0835 0.8034
0 0.1499 0.8003 0.1332 0.0605
Is that what you need?
  댓글 수: 2
Rasif Ajwad
Rasif Ajwad 2015년 10월 28일
Yeah, thanks. I got the idea. So now, f I want 0 value in (1,1), (5,1), (9,1) etc. positions I just need to write:
Rob Campbell
Rob Campbell 2015년 10월 28일

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