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Battery box in Simscape

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Bence Blága
Bence Blága 2023년 11월 12일
답변: Steve Miller 2023년 11월 19일
Is there any way in Simscape to model a battery box that has the battery inside? The task of the box would be to regulate the heat spread so that no heat exchange occurs between the individual battery modules thanks to the walls of the box. Or would it be enough to turn off the thermal paths between the modules?

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Steve Miller
Steve Miller 2023년 11월 19일
Hi Bence,
You can model a housing for your battery modules that prevents heat transfer between the modules. This could be passively by eliminating the heat transfer path between module, or by setting the coefficients for heat transfer such that only very little heat can be exchanged. You could also do this actively, where a cooling channel is placed between the modules.

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