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how to save Struct to txt file

조회 수: 181 (최근 30일)
Mr. Unkown
Mr. Unkown 2015년 4월 16일
답변: John Taseff 2023년 7월 11일
I have my data saved in struct format like this
1x405 struct array with fields
my question is: how to save these cell arrays to text files please?

답변 (4개)

John Taseff
John Taseff 2023년 7월 11일
google brought me here, updating for future denizens - as of R2020b you can use writestruct

Guillaume 2015년 4월 16일
Assuming the fields are scalar, the simplest way is to convert the structure to a table and then use writetable:
writetable(struct2table(MyData), 'somefile.txt')
  댓글 수: 2
Mr. Unkown
Mr. Unkown 2015년 4월 16일
Thanks Guillaume, I have tried this and got undefined function or variable 'struct2table'
Guillaume 2015년 4월 17일
You must have an old version of matlab then. struct2table has existed since R2013b.

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Adam 2015년 4월 16일
편집: Adam 2015년 4월 16일
doc fprintf
You will have to put the code together yourself to use fprintf as there is no builtin function that can magically save an arbitrary struct to a text file.
I assume you want to use the file outside of Matlab otherwise just saving to a .mat file would be far better.
  댓글 수: 2
Mr. Unkown
Mr. Unkown 2015년 4월 16일
Thanks Adam, Yes I need to use it outside the Matlab. Can please expand your solution? what do you mean by doc fprintf?
Adam 2015년 4월 16일
doc fprintf
just takes you to the help page for the function you need to use. There are examples there, but for your own struct you have to work out how to format the text file yourself.

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Rob Campbell
Rob Campbell 2020년 4월 14일
편집: Rob Campbell 2020년 4월 14일
This might do what you want: https://github.com/ewiger/yamlmatlab
It handles nested structures too. For example, if I define a structure like this:
settings.main.medFiltRawImage = 5;
settings.mainBin.removeNoise = true;
settings.mainBin.medFiltBW = 5;
settings.mainBin.primaryShape = 'disk';
settings.mainBin.primaryFiltSize = 50;
settings.mainBin.expansionShape = 'square';
settings.mainBin.doExpansion = true;
settings.mainBin.expansionSize = 600;
settings.mainGetBB.minSizeInSqMicrons = 15000;
Then it will be saved to disk with yaml.WriteYaml whereupon it will look like:
main: {medFiltRawImage: 5.0, doTiledMerge: true, tiledMergeThresh: 1.05, secondExpansion: false,
defaultThreshSD: 7.0}
mainBin: {removeNoise: true, medFiltBW: 5.0, primaryShape: disk, primaryFiltSize: 50.0,
expansionShape: square, doExpansion: true, expansionSize: 600.0}
mainGetBB: {minSizeInSqMicrons: 15000.0}
mergeO: {mergeThresh: 1.3}
stackStr: {rescaleTo: 50.0}
autoThresh: {skipMergeNROIThresh: 10.0, doBinaryExpansion: false}


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